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Content warning for description of the process of field dressing a deer.

Saburo didn't exactly want to go with these two weirdo adults, but he wanted to find his way back through the forest on his own even less, so he stuck close to the two of them as they made their way through the forest. How in the world did they know where they were going? It all looked the same to him.

They ended up at a clearing with... some sort of structure made of scrap metal plates, wooden planks, sections of pipe, and a lot of tarps. Riou was pulling one of said tarps across the ground and setting the deer down. "Do you live here?" Saburo asked, not caring how rude that was. He knew Dice didn't have a home, but Riou living in this shitty shack was almost worse.

"No," Riou answered as he examined the wide cuts already made on the animal's underside. "It's useful for cooking more involved dishes. I camp elsewhere most nights." He got his hands in there -- his bare hands -- and wrenched open the gut. Oh god. "Lad, you should come watch. This is important knowledge to have."

At one look at the inside of the animal corpse, Saburo wretched. "No! Ew! I really hope I never need that knowledge!" Where was Dice? Had he gone inside? Maybe he should join him just to get away from this crazy survivalist. Wait, who knew what kind of weird stuff this guy had in there? And did Saburo want to risk being trapped inside?

Riou huffed with annoyance. "You might not always have a supermarket available. You can't let momentary fear stop you from learning how to survive in extreme circumstances."

"I'm not scared! I'm-- If I ever end up in extreme circumstances I'll just get my brothers to do the gross stuff."

"If you're going to take up a commanding role, you need to know what to tell your troops to do."

Saburo whined, half frustrated, half grossed out. He wasn't getting out of this, was he? He put his hood up and sat against the wall, pointedly not looking in Riou's direction. "I'll listen but I'm not gonna look."

Riou sighed (a strange sound from him, short and sharp), but acceded. "So, I've already removed the internal organs. Waste in the gut can dirty the meat, so it needs to be removed as soon as possible. In this case, the liver is..."

This was awful.

Riou could only say a little more before Dice, thank god, interrupted, his top half appearing through the doorway. "Saburo-kun, man, what're you-"

Saburo cut him off, "Arisugawa-san, save me! He's making me learn!"

Riou looked like he almost facepalmed, but stopped because he realized his hands had deer goop on them. "This is important knowledge that he should acquire while he's young."

Dice just laughed, brushing Riou off. "Man, no it ain't. Come on, Saburo-kun, salaryman made some tempura and it's actually not awful. Don't ask what's in it, though." He grabbed is hand and pulled him inside.

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