will you...

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Y/n breaks up with five because she's scared of telling him something. He doesn't know the real reason but he believes it all because of him.

Five's pov.

I stared into the glass and exhaled before finish the third drink of the night. It was all my fault, I wasn't treating her right. I was too obsessed over the apocalypse, she needed to be treated better.

I slammed the glass on to the table and stood up, wiping my tears away.

Move on, you're better without her

But I can't. I've loved her for years and I only told her when I came back.

I picked up my phone and found her number, pressing "call" but it went on to voicemail

Third person pov.

"Y/n, I... I'm sorry. You deserved better, I know, but I-- I can't explain how sorry I am. I don't want you to take me back either, I just want you to know that I still love you, even if you don't love me back, and I'll miss you so much if you leave me forever. Call me back when you can" he hang up and threw his phone, breaking down in tears.

He couldn't take it. She was his world, his happiness, his life. And now she's probably left him for somebody else because he wasn't showing any attention to her.

He took Diego's car keys and left. It was 2am and he was drunk, he knew it wouldn't end well but he wanted to see her. It's been four days and she has been the only thing on his mind from the minute he woke up to when he cried himself to sleep.

He meant the world to her too but all her friends were telling her from the start that he was no good and they were right, she thought

He banged on her door, it was raining and he was drunk, she had to let him in. As he waited he sat down infront of the door, picking at the grass in her garden

"five?" she said as she opened the door. He rose to his feet and his eyes widened. She was with another man. "what are you d-doing here, it's freezing, come in"

He stepped inside and she gave him a sweater of his that she stole when they were together

"change in to something dry, you'll get sick otherwise" she smiled softly as she handed it over to the drunk boy. She told her other man to go home and so he left.

"who was that?" five asked, sitting down on the sofa

"his name's Noah. I've known him for years, he's just a friend don't worry, he's helped me get over..." she couldn't finish her sentence as she saw Five's eyes filling with tears, she felt so bad.

"no, baby, come here" she said, pulling him into a warm hug. She smelt of his favourite perfume that he bought her a year ago. He felt stupid, she needed to be loved and that was his job and only his job.

"I'm so sorry" he cried into her chest "it's all my fault"

"no it wasn't, it was me. It's me who starts all the arguments, it's me who started this all. It's my fault I came off the pill and got pregnant-"

"what?" he cut her off mid-sentance

"shit" she whispered "I couldn't tell you, I was scared you'd leave me so I... I ended it instead" it was her turn to cry in to his chest now, his arms rubbed up and down her back comfortingly

"I'd never leave you over something like that you asshole" he smiled at the thought of becoming a father "our baby Aidan will have the best parents ever"

"you-you already named him?" she wiped her tears and looked up at him "what's if the baby's a girl"

"then baby Sadie will have her mothers smile and my eyes, Just imagine how cute our babies will be Y/n. That's... Only if you decide to take me back" he winked

Five wrapped his arms around y/ns waist after she said yes and took him back. That's when he felt a box in his pocket, his eyes widened, he now remembered why he came over

He got down on to one knee, holding Y/n's hand. She grinned, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Y/n Y/L/N. I can't lose you again, especially now you're carrying my child so please... Will you marry me?"


What was this omg I'm so tired but I wanted to write this cos I haven't done anything in like almost a week so here we go :)

Any requests??? I Am literally out of ideas and this proves it


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