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personality observer, overactive
habits tap, whistle, click her fingers
ambition become a politician, revenge
greatest fear bats
biggest secret knowing clark kent and bruce wayne's secret identity

personality observer, overactive habits tap, whistle, click her fingersambition become a politician, revenge greatest fear bats biggest secret knowing clark kent and bruce wayne's secret identity

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height 162cm
body type athletic slim
skin tone yellow, white
hair (style & color) black short hair
eyes light brown eyes
facial description round eyes, thin face
shape, small full lips
prominent features or distinguishing marks
slightly big frontal teeth
style of dress eclectic mixture of doll style, modern and classic
mannerisms or gestures don't gesture too
often, talks sort of low and fast, rarely increases the tone

height 162cmbody type athletic slimskin tone yellow, white hair (style & color) black short hair eyes light brown eyesfacial description round eyes, thin face shape, small full lipsprominent features or distinguishing marksslightly big frontal tee...

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tone of voice (loud, quiet, harsh, etc.) quiet but with a strong presence
language or accent japanese, english with a japanese accent
favorite phrases
don't act like you
know how is losing

) quiet but with a strong presence language or accent japanese, english with a japanese accentfavorite phrasesdon't act like you know how is losing someone

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interests or hobbies knitting, chess, history
important past events
sydney's mother death
moving from japan to america
current home irving grove, gotham city, u.s.a.
finances not available
occupation student, employee in isley organization
education anders preparatory academy, gotham academy
health diabetes. asthma; anxiety
religion shinto
interests or hobbies tennis, cycling, gardening, judo

 asthma; anxiety religion shintointerests or hobbies tennis, cycling, gardening, judo

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timothy jackson drake-wayne
harrison lorenzo carlisle

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