There were murmurs around the large table,
"Everyone, silence, we have 1 year and two months to create a weapon for the government. Anything" as the boss said that, most of the workers hands had shot up,
"We could spend the money we got to create a gun that shoots lasers that incinerate people" the murmurs began again.
"We could make an invulnerable suit, decked with guns and missiles."
"That would never work and we'd go over budget."
"Sorry boss." The boss went and wipe his head and groaned in frustration.
"Ok does anyone have an idea that isn't ridiculous or over budget." At the far back of the table came a voice.
"I got one, it's a ride built to make people happy and to make them laugh, giving the army an easy kill."
Everyone turned to the worker. The boss said,
"Go on."
The worker responded with,
"It needs power, a lot of power, enough to cause hypnosis. With that sort of strength, we could end wars with ease, take prisoners and send it through, making them love the earth instead of wanting it to burn."
Everyone one's jaw had dropped after hearing this.
"How much have we got to spend." Josh stood up and said
"18 million, but we're looking at 30 million in the future."
"Ok, this might sound crazy but, it's going to be a ride, more like a rollercoaster." Everyone around the table looked at eachother in confusion.
"Why would you want it to be a rollercoaster"
"Well for public purposes, we don't want a curious journalist to find out weapon"
People started to agree with Jacob.
"Well, Jacob it does sound like a really good idea, it won't work, I mean, haha you don't even have a name for it."
Jacob went a laughed.
"I have a perfect name for it."
Smile Now, Smile Always, Smile Forever
Horrorthis is a horror book based off the smiler storyline and ride at Alton towers hope you enjoy and like anyone, you belong to the smiler.