Chapter 4 : Gryffindork Allies

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( This is probably the silliest thing to exist in this story. Things get much more serious after this. ; )   )

Gryffindork Allies

"Why were you two snogging?"

"Are you together now?"

"Are you in love?"

"Is this why he's been sitting at the Gryffindor table?"

"Have you shagged each other?"


The questions swirled in her mind and any excuse she had had in the past flew far away to hide in a dark corner. She had had them ready, knew to point the blame on the mistletoe, but this little taste of overwhelming chaos removed all reason from her mind. She had never been a victim of so many questions, so many stares; she had endured the pain of Fourth year, had dealt with the rumours of the past, but none caused so many inquisitorial gazes as this simple kiss had.

She reeled on the spot as several students demanded to know how long they had been together, others asking whether or not they had shagged and if they planned on staying together.

"What about Harry and Ron? Do they know?"

Her heart clenched with pain at the words, body shaking as fear began to consume her senses. What if Harry and Ron heard about this? What if they found out? This wasn't just some little kiss; this was her kissing Draco Malfoy, their enemy for so many years, their opponent in everything from schoolwork to Quidditch. There was a big difference between a kiss with just anyone and a kiss shared with Draco Malfoy.

What was she going to do? Despair threatened to overwhelm her as she realized the severity of the situation. It was true, there were many people here who would accept their relationship; they saw and understood his changes in character since their sixth year. But there were many more, those who controlled the gossip circles, those who reigned above the others and set the law, who would not approve.

"Oy, Draco, since when have you been shagging this little Gryffindor?"

"Does Pansy know?"

"What do the other Slytherins think of it?"

He would be in trouble, too, she dimly realized, staring blearily at the mass of students. Who knew what the Slytherins would do? She knew that Blaise would be on her side, and had heard rumours of Goyle's increasing kindness and tolerance towards Muggles and Muggle-Borns, but would the other Slytherins really join him? They were a cunning lot, vicious when it came to revenge and getting what they wanted, and she knew that some of them did not want for her and Draco to be together.

'Sweet Circe, what am I supposed to do? How are we going to survive this?' she moaned internally, knowing that this chaos, this demand for answers, was just the beginning of the storm that was to come.

Draco moved beside her, his hand lifting to point into the air, while he subtly hit her shoulder with his elbow, tugging her out of her state of despairing thoughts. His voice was loud, almost rude, and definitely laced with annoyance.

"Who's the idiot that brought charmed mistletoe?"

She blinked rapidly, trying to push through the fog that had swirled in her mind, clearing her thoughts as she thought for control. She never let herself go, never let any despairing thoughts take over her mind, and she wouldn't let it happen now. He hadn't let the crowd overwhelm him; he had pushed back, almost in a threatening manner, daring them to question him and his actions. She, too, would push back. She would lean on him for support and strength just as he would lean on her.

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