Chapter 8 : Midnight Stroll

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Midnight Stroll

Classes began on a very exciting note to say the least. Rumours were spreading, flitting rapidly through the air to slowly consume the school. The fight between Pansy and Ron that had resulted in both receiving two months worth of detentions and Hogsmeade visits temporarily revoked, the possibility that there is a picture floating about of Draco and Blaise snogging under the mistletoe, and, the most exciting of all, the notion that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy had snogged on New Year's and were now an 'item.'

These thoughts consumed the minds of the students to the point where several were no longer paying attention in class. Fights were breaking out between Slytherins and Gryffindors, shouting in defence of their Housemate, claiming that they would never become involved in the other. Even Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were arguing loudly over whether the rumours were correct or not. Somebody had manipulated the rumour to say that Hermione had been snogging Blaise, or that Draco had not been snogging Hermione, but another girl who resembled her. Needless to say, the entire school was playing the game of telephone and with each passing hour, the rumours were more and more intricate, detailed, and nonsensical than the last.

Hermione had taken to darting throughout the hallways, avoiding the probing students and Ron's constant questioning. She hid in the Head's Common Room, listening as Draco ranted and raved about the constant rumours that were slowly ruining their year.

The blond man, on the other hand, was, on the outside, taking things in stride. He denied everything with Blaise and Goyle at his side, supporting his every word. He managed to divert the attention of the curious students by pointing out other things, particularly the fight that amused him so much. A part of him wished that Pansy had hexed off one of Weasley's limbs, but another part didn't want Pansy getting all of the credit for such an awesome feat. Instead, he was stuck with dealing with every little rumour there was in the world.

There were several delicious little rumours that Draco sometimes found amusing, so silly, so unbelievable that it made him smile while Hermione would bury her reddened face into a book as embarrassment overwhelmed her. On other times, she was the one ranting loudly while he watched with a smile on his lips, unable to contain his amusement at the way she fretted loudly.

Needless to say, the first week and a half back were absolute turmoil, with detentions being tossed out daily to students of all ages and from all Houses, shouting matches found in every corner of the school, and the two caught in the center of the gossip were finding the stress slowly mounting to an almost exploding point.

Draco paced in front of the fireplace, running his hands through his hair, cursing under his breath as Hermione sat curled on the couch, book forgotten as she listened to Draco rant and rave about the latest development of the rumours. Apparently someone said that they had 'caught' him and Hermione shagging in a tower, which was completely untrue, for all shagging took place in their safe Heads' Room. However, it didn't stop the rumours from spreading even faster.

"Fucking twats," he growled, throwing his hands up in exasperated fury. "Honestly, you'd think they'd have something better to do with their time! And those bloody arseholes who do nothing but insult us! Fucking bloody hell! 'Draco would rather cut off his own balls than sleep with that stupid chit! 'Hermione would rather sleep with a House Elf than the bastard!' It goes on and on!"

Hermione, having been on the receiving end of rumours for years, had thought that she would be able to take this with ease, was finding her nerves growing more and more frayed with each passing minute. "I know, Draco!" she snapped. "I hear it all the time, too!"

"Fucking hell," he cursed, spinning to give her a hard glare. "You know, if we could just be open about it, if we could just let everyone know that yes, we are together, these damn rumours would stop!"

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