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Harry's POV
As I looked on Dudley's wrist at his watch, I heard strange noises outside the shack but just assumed it was the wind. The minutes ticked closer to my birthday, making me realized how badly I wish my life was different. How I wished to have friends, people who loved me and a place to finally call home.

Dudley's watch beeped reminding me that it was officially my birthday.

"Make a wish, Harry" I said pitifully.

There was a pound on the door, startling Dudley, almost waking him up, but he just tossed the other way. A couple of seconds later, the door just completely came off its hinges.

Uncle Vernon came down baring a gun, along with Aunt Petunia holding onto the back of his robe. "Who's there!? I have a gun!" He said shakily. A giant looking man came through the doorframe, hunched over so he could fit in the shack. As he stood up straight, he put the door back on its hinges and dusted off his tattered jacket.

The giant's face was covered by his bushy, brown hair and beard. But if you looked closely enough you could see his chocolate brown eyes, which glimmered in the dark shack.

"Couldn't make us a cup o' tea, could yeh? It's not been an easy journey. . . ." He strode over to the sofa where Dudley was huddled in fear. "O' budge up yeh great lump," Dudley jumped off the couch and ran behind Aunt Petunia, who held him so tightly he looked like he was gonna pop.

"An' here's Harry!" I looked at the stranger and you could see his eyes crinkled in the corner from his smile.

"When I saw yeh las', yeh were a wee baby!" I was shocked, he knew me as a baby? "Yeh resemble yer father but have yer mom's eyes" Uncle Vernon had made this strange noise and my eyes snapped to him, "You best leave! You're breaking and entering!" "Oh dry up Vernon, yeh great prune" he said bending Uncle Vernon's gun like a pretzel and threw it.

Uncle Vernon squeaked but kept his mouth closed. "Anyway, Harry, I have er-," The man dug in his pocket, looking for something "Sammat fer you, to say er- happy birthday. I mighta sat on it, but it should taste alright anyway." He pulled a squished cake box out of his enormous pocket.

   I grabbed it and opened the box, slightly scared but excited because no one had ever gotten me anything. It revealed a cake that said Happy Birthday Harry in green icing.

I looked up at the man to say thank you but instead asked him, "Who are you?"

He chuckled.

"I forgot to er- introduce meself. I'm the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts, Rubeus Hagrid!" He said swelled with pride. He shook my hand in his ginormous one. "So er- about the tea? O' course I'm not opposed to sammat stronger." He rubbed his hands together.

Hagrid looked over at the almost empty bag of chips and he chuckled, I was still too shocked to be embarrassed, and as he started a fire and pulled out some raw sausages out his coat, my stomach rumbled telling me just how hungry I was. He started cooking them which filled the hut with the delicious smell of cooked sausages. When Hagrid plated some sausage, Dudley jolted. But Uncle Vernon kept him in place.

"Don't accept anything he gives you!"

Hagrid chuckled, "Yer son don' need anymore fattenin', that great puddin'." Hagrid pushed the sausages to me, the smell filled my nose putting me in almost a daze, but as I ate I stared at the giant man. "I'm sorry but I still don't really know who you are." Hagrid took a gulp of his tea. "Call me Hagrid, everyone does. An' like I told yeh, I'm Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts— yeh'll know all about Hogwarts o' course." "Er- no, not really,"

Hagrid looked shocked

"Sorry," I said quickly not wanting to anger him. "Sorry?" Hagrid snapped, turning to face the Dursleys who tried to shrink back into the shadows. "It's them that should be sorry! I knew yeh weren't gettin' yer letters, but I never thought yeh wouldn't know abou' Hogwarts, fer cryin' out loud! Did yeh never wonder where yer parents learned it all?"

   I gulped "All what?" "ALL WHAT?" Hagrid got to his feet "Now wait jus' one second!" His anger seemed to fill the entire hut. I flinched "Do you mean to tell me, that this boy— this boy!" Hagrid pointed at me "Knows nothin' abou'— abou' ANYTHING?" I stared at him, I wasn't completely stupid! My grades were acceptable. "I know somethings, I know how to do math and such." Hagrid looked at me, then waved off my comment "Abou' our world, yer world, my world, yer parents' world." "What world?" Hagrid looked as if he were going to implode "DURSLEY!" Hagrid boomed, Uncle Vernon paled and mumbled something indecipherable.

   Hagrid stared at me wildly, "But yeh must know abou' yer mum and dad! They're famous, yer famous!" I looked at him like he was mad "What? My mum and dad weren't famous." I said denying it "Yeh don't know.... Yeh don't know..." Hagrid combed his hair with his hands in frustration.

"Yeh don't know what yeh are, Harry?"

  "Stop!" Uncle Vernon said abruptly

"Stop right now, I forbid you from telling that boy!" "You knew and didn't tell him!? What was in the letter Dumbledore left for him! I was there I saw him leave it, an' you've kept it from him all these years?!" I looked from Uncle Vernon to Hagrid.

  "What? Kept what from me?" I looked at Hagrid eagerly "DON'T! Don't you dare say anything!" Uncle Vernon was purple and Aunt Petunia gasped, Hagrid turned to me "Yer a wizard, Harry"

(A/N) Hey guyssss! I really hope you enjoyed the 1st part of year 1!!! This is my first book, so if you have any suggestions please let me know. I have some really good ideas for this book and I'm really nervous about publishing this story, so I hope you all enjoy it😖! Since it is summer vacation I should update pretty frequently, I want to update on a schedule at least until school starts back up. So let me know what day would be best for you guys!! Anyway, enough rambling, see you in the next part!☺️

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