2 || Goblins?

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Harry's POV
Hagrid and I walked through all pub called the "Leaky Cauldron". As we walked in the man at the bar yelled out "The usual, Hagrid?" Hagrid shook his head, "Not today, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business." He plopped his hand on my shoulder and my knees almost gave way. The man who Hagrid called Tom looked at me surprised, "Goodness me- that can't-"

The whole pub seemed to get quiet. "Lord bless my soul..." Tom whispered "Harry Potter... what an honor." the man practically groveled at my feet. He shook my hand, tears in his eyes. "Welcome back Mr. Potter, welcome back." after Tom moved away I found myself shaking hands with every person in the Leaky Cauldron. Some coming back for more.

A pale man whose eye, twitching in nervousness came up. "Professor Quirrell?" Hagrid said in shock "Harry, Professor Quirrell is one of your teachers at Hogwarts!" "P-potter, how p-p-pleased I am to meet you" "What magic do you teach, professor?" "D-defense Against the Dark Arts. N-not that you w-would need it, eh P-p-potter?" he said chuckling nervously.

"Well, we best get going, got er- lots o' things ter buy." Hagrid and I took a little while to get past everyone. But we made it through, eventually. We made it to a brick wall and I had this feeling of dread and suspicion. Were Hogwarts and everything else Hagrid told me a lie? Was this how I end up dying? Or worse (expelled), go back to the Dursleys? Hagrid pulled out his umbrella and tapped 3 bricks, and they moved? As they moved away we were facing a bustling place with loads of people. "Welcome to Diagon Alley, Harry!" Hagrid grinned at me, which I now noticed that he always seems to be doing.

I looked behind me at the wall, and the bricks shifted back into place. All of this magic was starting to make my head spin. How was it not even a day ago I was just a 'muggle' as they call it, not a trace of magic, wands, nor wizards? But one thing was for sure, I was glad to finally be away from the Dursleys.

We walked farther into Diagon Alley, and I looked around at everything trying to take it all in as if it would all be gone in a blink of an eye. There was a shop that sold cauldrons, all kinds. Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver-- self-stirring-- Collapsible. According to the sign that hung above the shop. "Yeah, you'll be needin' one," I took my eyes off the shop to look at the half-giant. "but we gotta get yer money first."

I looked at my surroundings. There were people shopping, I looked at the things outside of the shops, and the things in the store windows. A plump woman was outside the apothecary complaining about the prices of...Dragon liver? Did I hear that correctly? I took my finger and tried to clean out any earwax that might've caused me to inaccurately hear what she said.

I heard a soft hooting and looked around for the source of the noise. A dark shop with a sign that read Eeylops Owl Emporium-- Tawny, Screech, Barn, Brown, and Snowy. "Look," I looked over at boys, who I assumed were my age with their noses pressed against a store window with a broomstick on display.

  "The Nimbus Two Thousand--fastest ever--" The shops had everything a wizard or witch could possibly want. A shop for robes, telescopes, and even strange silver instruments. Bat spleens, and eel's eyes. I don't really know why anyone would want those. Piles upon piles of books, quills, rolls of parchment, potion bottles, globes of the moon. Man, this stuff was impressive.

We had arrived at Gringotts -Hagrid had announced- and I saw these scary looking short...men? What even are they? I looked over at Hagrid "What are these things Hagrid?" "O' these are goblins Harry, not very friendly, better stick close to me." I immediately stepped closer to him "Ain' no place safer, cept maybe Hogwarts o'course!" We got to the front desk after passing tons of goblins. Hagrid cleared his throat to get the goblin's attention. His eyes looked up at us slowly, in annoyance.

"Morning, we've come ter take some money outta Mr. Harry Potter's safe." "Do you have his key, sir?" Hagrid dove his gigantic hand in his many pockets, "I got it here somewhere." He spilled the contents of his pockets onto the counter -a moldy dog biscuit- the goblin wrinkled his nose in distaste.

"Ah, got it." Hagrid finally pulled out the golden key, the goblin inspected it closely "That seems to be in order." "An' I also have a letter from Dumbledore" I tried to lean in closer to hear what Hagrid was talking about "It's about You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen." "Very well, I will have someone to take you both to your vaults." He handed the letter back to Hagrid "Griphook!" Another goblin came towards us, he beckoned us to follow him and we got into mine carts.

  We got to my vault first. Griphook took my key from Hagrid and opened the vault. I wasn't expecting anything in the vault but maybe spiderwebs. But when I walked inside, every nook and cranny was filled with coins.

I grabbed as many coins that could fit in my small sack. I was still in a state of shock but I snapped out of it to climb back in the mine cart. We whooshed away to the second and final stop of our trip. To vault 713. Hagrid and Griphook climbed out and went up to the vault door, but no key. Griphook took his index finger and trail it gently down the door, almost caressing it.

  "If anyone but a goblin did that, they would be trapped in there." Griphook said obviously trying to spook me, and it slightly worked "How often do you check if someone's in there." "Once every 10 years." He said with a chilling smile "Oh." I said inaudibly and shuffled away from him and the door. Hagrid grabbed what was inside quickly so I couldn't see it and we were on our way back to the bank.

   We headed out of Gringotts and went to start getting my supplies. As I listed off the things we went and got them. I got my robes and as I was being fitted, a boy with platinum blonde hair spoke to me. "Hello," "Hi." "Hogwarts too?" I tried not to move much but nodded slightly "Yes." He droned on about his family. If my skin wasn't so close to being pricked if I moved an inch I would've fallen asleep. "Have you gotten a broom?" "No." "Oh, well I'm going to bully my dad for one. I think it's quite stupid that first years aren't allowed a broom. I might smuggle mine in when I get one." I absentmindedly nodded

"Which house do you think you're gonna be in?" "I don't know." I felt my neck get hot as I felt stupid for not knowing what he was talking about "Well I guess nobody knows until they get there." "Yeah." "Well I know I'll be in Slytherin, all of my family has. Imagine being in Hufflepuff- I'd leave- wouldn't you?" "Mmhm." I was starting to not like him and had a strong sense of Dudley from him.

Hagrid was at the door trying to get my attention, "My word! Look at that man!" I smiled to myself, glad to finally know something he didn't "That's Hagrid, he works at Hogwarts." "Oh I've heard of him. Isn't he a servant or something?" I definitely didn't like him and I hoped I didn't bump into him at Hogwarts. "He's a gamekeeper." I said shortly "I heard he lives in a hut on the grounds, gets drunk and tries to do magic which ends up with him setting his bed on fire." "Well I think he's brilliant." I got sick of him belittling Hagrid's title "Oh do you now?" He raised his eyebrow "Why are you with him anyway, where are your parents?" "Dead." "Oh, sorry." He didn't say it with a bit of remorse "But they were our kind right?" "They were a wizard and witch." "Oh good, I don't think we should let the other sort in, don't you? We aren't the same, they haven't been brought up like us, and some of them haven't even heard of Hogwarts until they got their letters. What's your surname, you're not a mudblood are you?" Before I started to form my sentence the tailor lady interrupted me to tell me I was done.

I hurriedly hopped down and away from the boy. "See you at Hogwarts then?" I couldn't get away from him any faster.

(A/N): Hey guys, sorry I took so long to post the second part. Procrastination is a BIG flaw of mine, but that is no excuse. This chapter was going to be longer, but when I realized it was almost 2,000 words I took out those parts and I am just going to use them to build up the 3rd chapter. Thank you for reading this story thus far! See ya next chapter, lovelies!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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