Ketchup stain

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Ketchup Stain It's this burning feeling Deep down inside It pokes and prods at me Even when I hide It follows me everywhere And it's worse when I'm alone But when I'm around people I just wanna go home I hate talk about it 'Cause it only makes it worse It's like black magic... Like an evil curse It's like a vampire That sucks away my happiness It's like a drug That turns me into a mess It's like a demon Who enjoys causing me pain It's like a big, ugly Persistant ketchup stain It's like a noose that Keeps getting tighter and tighter It's like a kite that Keeps flying higher and higher It stabs at me With its unruly knife It doesnt care that I dont hate my life It doesnt care! Not one bit... It just beats me down With every hit I cant stand up To fight it back It just kills me With its final attack I give up I surrender I dont care... Just pull me under Suck me into your black hole Cover me with your darkness Torture me until I take my last breaths The urge has taken over And now I'm gone You'll never see me again Now I cant do anymore wrong...


She would love to hear your comments about this :)so please comment if it wasn't obvious in that sentence. :)

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