How to stop your gecko From Biting you

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Why They Bite:

They Can think your fingers are food (Unintentional)
You spooked them.
If They Are Injured Or They Hurt
Your New And They Don't Know You
Bad Experiences With Humans

What To Do To Stop Them:

If it tries to bite you do NOT pull away because then the gecko will think that if it bites you it will be left alone because you move away. So In the long run, if it keeps  biting, and you keep pulling away, then it will continue to do so because it knows you will leave it alone. Instead, Let it continue to bite you. Bites don't hurt especially with babies. Keep Holding them and let them bite you because soon they will realize that there bites aren't working and that you don't mean any harm. It works 2-3 days later. Don't be disappointed if it takes longer because all geckos are different.

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