⚔️ Battle ⚔️

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Since this is your first battle, you will have to go through the tutorial.

You are fighting a warrior-class. They have medium - heavy armor and melee weapons. You, however, are medium armor and ranged weapons, hunter-class. You have a slight advantage and are going first.

"Hey, I'm sorry you were pulled into this mess! I'm Yuugi!" The girl chirped.

Yuugi is a mage-class. She uses light armor and ranged magic. In this case, Yuugi is a fire mage. She specializes in fire, meaning there'll be damage bonus if you use a fire-type spell. Since you haven't unlocked Yuugi, you can't control her actions.

Your options are:

[ FIGHT ] > Worn-out Bow

[ ITEM ] > None

[ MAGIC ] > None

[ ACT ] > Try talking it out peacefully, Taunt

[ FLEE ] > Run

To choose, say the [Topic] in caps, do a comma, then the action  so I don't get confused please

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