Chapter 1: Dreams

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(A/N) Hi guys! This is another one of my stories! I've already written the first three chapters but I only going to upload the first one because I'm not sure how good it is. Anyway I hope you enjoy!


Sapphire was running, the wind blowing her long, wavy hair back as she chased a distant light, just out of reach. But no matter how fast she ran the light never seemed to get closer, always staying a frustratingly far distance away. Running as fast as she can, Sapphire slowly but surely started to reach the light.

As the distance between herself and the light slowly dwindled Sapphire started to notice something wrong. The closer she got to the light, the blurrier her vision became and yet, she started to see something that was completely foreign to her. It wasn't black or white but something else. A different color. She was seeing color!

Just as the realization struck her, the ground gave way from under her feet and she woke up with a start, beads of sweat just starting to form around her heart-shaped face. After calming down from the dream-induced fright that she was falling into nothingness, she thought back to what she saw in her dream and scrambled for her diary.

After retrieving the said diary from underneath a loose floorboard in her room she hastily started writing an entry into the patterned pages of the journal. Pausing to think after considering what the date was, (a quick glance at her alarm clock told her that it was 1:08 in the morning) she wrote:

Dear Diary,

I had the strangest and yet possibly the most amazing dream yet. I have been trying to learn about color for the past 6 years of my life, as you know, ever since I was ten. Yet finding answers to my many if few asked questions was unsuccessful which was expected, but still disappointing. As much time as I have put into my efforts it still hasn't given me enough, if any, answers. I've been reckless lately, asking more questions not so discreetly which is dangerous because as you know, questions and outlawed, as well as curiosity. Each day I awake in the fear of our leader, Mia Fallout although no one ever calls her by her first name so she is just referred to as "Ms. Fallout" Most of what I have learned about my world and/or color I have learned from books and the more informational pieces were from scraps of paper that were burned long ago. I have looked through the books in the library, but the novels would consist of repetitive, and biased information that was hardly of any interest. But still I persist. But I must be careful. Color is the Number 1. Subject that is never to be discussed, even in private, and failure to do so is punishable by, something that no one knows, as people, my people, rarely, if ever, question about anything. They are a herd of cattle following the bull, Ms. Fallout. While I presume that whomever brings up the forbidden subject will suffer some unimaginable punishment, I am not worried for the sake of my own life, rather I fear for the life of my parents, who are getting on in their years and are rather frail. They had suffered controversy sixteen years ago for adopting me and had difficulty handling it, even in their younger years. I know I should stop, and it is better for the safety of all those around me and my loved ones, but it is for that exact same reason I try to find this information in the first place. If we do not question the world around us how do, we learn? How do we improve, and advance ourselves and our society for the better? There are so many wonderful things that could come out of my research but that's the problem. In an ideal world, you could learn whatever you want and utilize it to help better the lives of everyone but not this world. Everything is controlled by Ms. Fallout and her henchmen, "The Enforcers" which consists of men and women devoted solely to Ms. Fallout and her ideals. If something you did wasn't noticed by Ms. Fallout, then her henchmen would find out and report it to her. The saddest thing is, teens my age aspire to be an Enforcer when they are older and yet there are few opportunities to be one in the first place so they waste many years pinning for the job, only to not be chosen and have one of the least desirable jobs, such being one of the workers in the factories that made our world the way that it is now as well as generating power for the energy wall that surrounds our country, Palau. Despite what Ms. Fallout as told us I do not think that the energy wall protects us from outside dangers. Rather, it keeps us contained, like an animal or a disease. I need to go to bed now as it is 2:10 already and I need rest. Until next time,

Sapphire Vixen.

Quietly shutting the diary Sapphire crept over to the floor board and slid the book underneath the floor. Making sure the floorboard was secure, she crept over to her bed and quickly fell into a light, dreamless sleep.

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