Chapter 3: A Normal Day (Unfinished Chapter)

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Hi its April! Um I'm not entirely sure who would be reading this but I just wanted to say I will be discontinuing this book and I'm just going to show the few chapters that I didn't complete. Bye!


Just barely making it to her first period class (she had taken a detour to check on her "project") and diving into her seat, she called out, "Here!" as the teacher, Ms. Fuji (Possibly the kindest and most naïve teacher on campus) said, "Sapphire Vixen" And proceeded to call the names of the rest of her classmates. Taking out her materials, last Friday's homework, a sheet of paper, and a pencil; she looked around the classroom, hoping to see the one real friend she had.

There he was! Aaron Bea was sitting in the corner of the room, next to the solidary window with the sunlight reflecting off of his white hair, smiled and waved to her as they made eye contact. Grinning she waved back and then turned to her assignment.

The assignment had been to make a poem about the greatness of Palau and Ms. Fallout (Which had been a surprise to Sapphire as creative writing was typically restricted, the poems and stories that she had written in her spare time laughed at that, but she presumed that this wasn't entirely out of surprise as the anniversary of their nation, May 2nd, 1980, was in a week from today)

"Attention class!" Ms. Fuji declared as the high schoolers all looked up from their work, (some of which was partially unfinished) as she continued.

"I trust that you all finished last week's assignment?"

"Yes Ms. Fuji"

"Well I have a delightful surprise for you all! Instead of just turning in your writings, you'll be presenting them to the entire class, and then the person would compete against the other classes, and the best poet of the school would get to present their work to Ms. Fallout herself! Now before we get into this excitement, I will give you all 10 minutes to rehearse. Good luck!"

Reading over the poem one last time, and finding she was satisfied and need no further correction of any controversy in the writing before she was to present it, she looked around, gauging the results of her fellow classmates which ranged from expressions of shock, to panic, to excitement, to "I really should've finished it".

Sapphire then glanced over to Aaron and mouthed, "Did you finish yours?" Who then gave her a ginormous wink and mouthed in reply, "Yes, Duh" While rolling his eyes as he replied. "Who do you think is going to win?" She asked him. "You obviously! No one is as good at writing as you!" Laughing quietly while shaking her head she replied, "Thanks but I'm not that good. Plus, you will probably win this."

Opening his mouth Aaron about to reply but was then cut off by Ms. Fuji who told the class, "Five minutes left everyone!" While Sapphire smirked at him due to his inability to respond and turned back to her work and rehearsed how she was going to present it.

Too soon for many of her classmates, the five minutes were over, and the first presentations began. For a class of 16-17-year-olds who weren't really allowed to do anything creative, it wasn't as bad as Sapphire thought. The best poems of the class so far were mediocre, and the worst were simply things like, "Ms. Fallout is great. Palau is great." Soon enough it was Sapphire's turn.

Taking a deep breath to calm her slightly jittery nerves she walked up to the front of the class. In the less than a minute that it had taken her to travel from her seat to the board, the class had started talking again. Reaching the front, she turned around and waited for the class to quiet again. After a while her classmates realized that, "Oh wait there's someone up there." and quieted. Clearing her throat Sapphire said, "Hi everyone, my name is Sapphire Vixen and I am here to present my poem. I hope you like it."

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