Chapter 1

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"Dean, protect your brother." my dad said as he put on his coat, he told me this so much that I was beginning to get annoyed. I knew that he was leaving and I wouldn't hear from him for months as he continued his endless crusade. As usual, he was leaving me in a new town; with a new school to deal with. I was the one Dad expected to stay and watch out for my little brother Sam, I was the one who would keep the bullies who would make Sam their target because he was the new kid. I know that Sam old enough to take care of himself, but it's my personal duty as the big brother to watch over the kid.

"You're not taking the Impala?" I asked as dad as I helped him pack his bag in the truck. My father always took the impala when he went on his hunting trips.

"The car is yours now." Dad said as he handed me the keys, "I can't leave you without some way to get around. Hell... You take better care of that car than I do.". I would have celebrated except that I knew it wasn't a gift, Dad would always gave me some kind of a bribe when he was going to be away longer than normal.

'This must be some hell of a trip if he's giving me a car.' I thought to myself, "Thanks Dad. I'll take really good care of her." I told him with a big smile, "I just don't understand why you can't wait until Sammy gets up... He doesn't understand why you never say goodbye."

"He needs his rest for school." Dad said as he cranked the truck. "I'll try contact you as soon as I can." Dad said as he hugged me through the window of the truck and with a wave he pulled out of the driveway. I watched him drive out of view before walking back to the house, wondering how I was going to tell Sammy that Dad left us... Again.


I nearly fell out of my bed as I woke up realizing that the loud annoying beeping noise was coming from my stupid alarm. I stole a quick look at the clock, 7:15 the bright red face read, as I slammed my hand on the snooze button and did my best to roll out of my bed. "Ugh! Time to get up, I guess." I whispered to myself. I walked to the closet and dug through it to find a clean set of clothes, I pulled my favorite pair of loose jeans over my black boxer briefs, grabbed a flannel shirt, wearing it over a grey tshirt. I grabbed my brown leather jacket and backpack before going to get Sammy. I opened my bedroom door and walked across the hall, As I approached the door. I was about to knock when Sam opened the door with his usual happy attitude... I REALLY hated this kid sometime. Sam laughed, noticing that I was my usual chipper self, we both knew that I was in no shape or form a morning person. I'm the kind of person who struggles to get his ass in gear every morning. If it weren't for my promise to Dad, I wouldn't even bother with the whole school thing.

I ruffles Sam's hair and headed to the kitchen to grab some cereal, grabbing the box off of the I poured him and myself a bowl of Fruitty-Pebbles. Opening the fridge door, I grabbed the milk and added the last of it to the dry cereal. I would have to remember to pick some up on the way home from school. Handing Sam his bowl, I walked over and sat at the counter to chow down. After a few seconds I glanced and my brother, I watched Sam looking around the house noticing that Dad's stuff was missing. "Dad left again.... Didn't he?" he asked me with a frown, "How long will it be this time?".

I turned my head and my heart lurched as look down at my brother's disappointed face,

"Sorry kid. But I think it's gonna be a long while." I said with as brave a face as I could muster. I could see the when turning in Sam's head before shrugging his shoulders.

"That's ok." Sam said to me with his big hazel eyes, "At least there's one person I can trust not to leave me." Dang... The kid sure knew how to hit me right in the heart.

Sam had always looked up at me, I knew he always seen me as the father who he had never gotten a chance to know. The only other person who we had been in his life was Bobby, our Dad's bestfriend. Bobby had always been there us and couldn't image our lives without his him. It was nice knowing that Bobby, his wife Ellen, and daughter Jo were living on the other side of town. They had never lived this close to Bobby and his family before.

"You know you can always count on me, Sammy. On the upside...Dad gave me the impala!" I told Sam with a happy big grin, trying to change the subject. I didn't understand how anyone could look up to me, I wasn't worthy of such affection, "no more school bus for the Winchester boys!"

I looked down at my digital watch, the green face read 7:20. I groaned knowing that it was time to leave for school. I'm really not looking forward to dealing with being the new student at another school. I yawned cursing the fact that I had stayed up so late... Today was going to be a long day.

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