Chapter 3-amazing and sad

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The next day at school was one of the best, nothing could ruin it, but something did.

I get off the bus and walk up the the lockers, I put my bag away and waited for Elyssa to come out of the bathrooms she takes forever.

"Hello Mrs M" Elyssa was being very very cheeky about it

" shut up Lis" I laugh " let's go meet Skyla"

"Ok " Elyssa laughed

As we walk down to the car park where Skyla gets dropped off cody walked passed us, he didn't say anything and I thought it was strange, but then I felt arms rap around my body, it was cody!

"Hello Gorgeous" cody chirped

" hello cheeky boy" I said smiling at him " cody this is my best friend Elyssa"

"Hey" cody said with such a cute little smile

"Hi cody"Elyssa said trying not to laugh

"Well I better go and play down ball with my boys." Cody said as he walked off

" Bye " I yelled back

We continued walking to the car park and finally found Skyla.

The bell had rang for homeroom and period 1 and 2.

" Morning Reds" Miss A yelled with a chirpy voice

" Morning miss a" the homeroom replied

Miss A did the role and the daily bulletin and then the bell went for period 1.

Cody was playing footy for sport in these periods so I probably wouldn't see him till lunch.

Period 1 was going really fast then, my heart dropped, when this happened

" Miss Rocci can I please see you out side" the sports staff member said

"Sure" I replied trying not to sound worried

"Peyton, do you know cody from year 10 who is on the footy team ?" The staff member asked

" um yeah why?" I replied

"Cody has suffered a very bad concussion and is getting flown to the royal children's hospital" she said

My heart dropped it felt like it fell so far down. I felt like I couldn't breath.

"Are you ok " the staff member said

"Um no" I replied faintly

"Do you need someone to talk to" she said

" um yes Elyssa she is in the class room"

While to teacher went to get Elyssa I collapsed to the ground. Why did I feel like everything I really wanted was going to fall away.

" Pey" a soft voice said

"Lis this can't be happening" I cried

" come on mums picking us up and taking us to the hospital" she replied

While we grabbed our bags I still felt shaky and like nothing was right

We walked to reception where we met Elyssas mum.

As Elyssas mum drove in to the car park I could feel that sick feeling coming back, we walked in, and then Elyssa voice asked a nurse where he was.

" come with me girls" the nurse said " here he is, one at a time please"

I walked of to his bed, and sat next to his bed.

"Hi babe" I hear his faint voice say

" are you ok baby" I tried to sound brave

"Yeah just a sore head I'll be fine" he said in a happy voice

" your a goose " I said and gave him a big hug

Then BEEP beep beep all the machines stated to beep

Cody went pale, and then all these doctors and nurse came walking in, this was getting really scary, I was told to get out.

I sat there with Elyssa, I felt so so sick. My heart was beating so fast.

The doctors came out a spoke to Cody's mum, she started crying and I knew something must have been bad. Then Cody's mum started to walk over to me and she told me what the doctor had said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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