Chapter 2- let this be a bad dream

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I wanted to be positive, try and think that everything would be ok but deep down I knew it wouldn't deep down I knew this was really bad, badder than I thought.

"Pey" Elyssa said my name quietly.

"Yeah" I said trying not to cry even more, but that wasn't working at all.

"Let's go for a walk, let's calm you down" Eylssa said standing me up.

My legs were jelly, I could hardly walk.

"I can't do this anymore" I cried

"stay positive for cody, he is a strong boy, he'll get through this" Elyssa Reassured me

But I just couldn't be reassured, for some reason I was thinking the absolute worst, that he would die.

We walked for ages in the park across from the hospital. Then my phone rang

"Hello" I say

"Hey it's me Kaz" Cody's mum said

"How's cody"it was the first thing I would ask

"Ok so, they want to try and wake him up" Kaz said, she sounded almost positive.

"yeah that's good a thing?" I asked

"Yes it's a good thing, do you want to come back to the hospital to be there when they wake him up?" Kaz asked me.

"Are you sure that would be ok," I asked

"Yes of course I know he would want you there, I mean he really likes you and it would mean a lot to him" she said

"Ok we'll be there in 5 minutes" I said as I hung up the phone

As I put my phone in my bag I start to walk over to Elyssa

" HE IS GONNA WAKE UP" i scream

"Wow. Pey that's amazing" she said as she hugged me

"Let's go I wanna be there for him" I said

We basically ran back to the hospital I was that excited.

After getting out of the lift my mood dropped back to the worried mood, but I had to remember had to stay positive for cody.

"Pey" Kaz said from a distance. "I can call you that can I" she asks

"Hey and yeah sure, it's better than Peyton hahaha" I said with a giggle

"Ready to come In" a doctor interrupted our conversation

" yes let's do this" Kaz said holding my hand she could feel I was shaky, "there's nothing to be afraid of Pey" she whispered in my ear

"I'm ready" i said

"Follow me then" the doctor said as he walked towards the door

I could see cody, lying there still, a machine breathing for him, I started to get worried again but I could feel Kaz squeeze my hand to reassure me.

We sat at the end of his bed while the doctors did there thing with him, then after the doctors had finished disconnecting all his machines they let us sit one on each side of the bed to hold his hand. As soon as I held his hand I held it as if I was never letting it go, then a phone rang, it was Cody's, his mum said to answer it, so I did,

" hello Cody's phone this is Peyton" i say Into the iPhone

"Excuse me, why do you have my boyfriends phone" this girl said rudely

"Girlfriend?" I said back

"Yeh I'm his girlfriend, my names Holly can I please just talk to my boyfriend" she yelled

I wanted to cry "umm when he gets back Ill tell him to call you" I replied

"Oh ok fine thanks, sorry I forgot your name" she said

"It's Peyton and that's fine I have to go bye" and I hung up and I put his phone back I started to stand up when I heard voice,

"Who was that baby" it was cody! He was awake

I don't reply

"Pey," Kaz said

I still didn't reply, I just got up and walked out,

"Pey where are you going"'Elyssa asked me

"Home" I yelled

"What's wrong?" She said with a worried voice

"Cody never loved me" I said collapsing to the ground crying

"What do you mean, what did he do?" She sound angry now

"He has a girl friend her names holly" I said crying

Then Kaz walked out

"Pey what's wrong sweetie" she said as she leant down

"Your son has a girlfriend" I said crying.

" I know, it's you" Kaz said

" no it's not me it's some holly chick" I said crying, you could see I was angry.

"holly?" Kaz sounded very puzzled

"I have no clue" I said crying, I got up I and walked away

Elyssa followed me and said these words that made me cry even more "maybe he wasn't your dream boy after all."

I got home and I ran straight to my room dad could tell something was up.

"Darl what's up?"

"Nothing dad I'm fine" I said

" your clearly not fine do you want me to send Sue in" dad asked

"sure" I replied with a sad voice, I could hear dads footsteps walking out of my room down the hallway.

All of a sudden *knock knock*

"Can I come in sweet pea" sue asked

"Sure" I say

Sue came and sat on my bed

"What's up hunny bun" she asks me

"So I really liked or still like I haven't made up my mind any way this boy and he is really sweet until today when I answer his phone his girlfriend rang him but the day before today cody asked me out" I let it out i just couldn't stop crying

"Oh Hun, that's awful" sue said while hugging me

"I don't know what I should do" I screamed

"Talk to him maybe it's an ex that still thinks she is with him,?" Sue said the dad knocked on the door,

"Peyton" he sounded cross

"Yes dad" I replied scared

"your boyfriends mother is here to see you, when where you gonna tell me you had a boyfriend?" He yelled

" ummm send her up and I was gonna tell you in the morning" I cried

"Peyton I don't....." Dad got interrupted but sue

"Steven leave it, stop Pey has had a bad day just leave it" she said, sue stuck up for me

*Knock knock*

"Hey" Kaz said

"Hi" I replied while wiping the tears away.

" I spoke to cody my dear and he said Holly is an ex that is harassing him and that he only wants you and that he loves you" Kaz said

"Loves me" I looked shocked

"he loves you so much" Kaz said

"Far out I though I was the only one who felt in love" I replied laughing

" would you like to come back to the hospital and pick up cody with me and we'll take him home and you too can have some quality time together??" Kaz asked

"YES let me just get my pj's" I said running to my wardrobe

we walked down stairs "I'm going to Cody's for the night to sort stuff out see ya after school tomorrow love ya" I yelled as I walked out the door with Kaz

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