Sex Tape » Ziall

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; Prologue

Niall giggled as he ran into the wall, not deliberately of course but with all the alcohol in his system he could barely walk in a straight line. Though he was drunk and off balance he still managed to make it to his room with Zayn hot on his tail. He giggled some more as he felt Zayn's hand slide around his waist. In a flash Zayn spun Niall around, pinning him up against the hotel wall.

Niall wrapped his arms loosely around his boyfriends neck, giggling as he did so. He leaned in to kiss him, wanting to memorize his mouth all over again but just as there lips brushed together a door opened. Zayn groaned burying his face in Niall's neck as the person, most likely one of the boys, approached them.

"Well if it isn't my favorite gay couple, doing the freak in the hallway." Louis said, literally squealing after.

Neither of the boys responded because Zayn was busy sucking a bruise into his boyfriend's neck while Niall was trying to bite back a moan. He managed to hold in the moans dying to escape but as soon as Zayn's hips rutted against his own he lost it.

"Oh, fuck." Niall moaned, throwing his head back against the wall.

"I would pay to see what happens after that room door closes." Louis said.

Again he was ignored so he turned and dragged himself back to his hotel room, leaving the boys to it. And the second they heard the click of the door closing they were back to it. Zayn grabbed the back of Niall's thighs, lifting him up so he could wrap his legs around Zayn's waist.

"I need you, baby." Niall breathed into Zayn's ear, tugging on his hair as he bit down on Niall's collar bone.

"Always so eager." Zayn teased, earning him a hard pull of his hair.

Zayn dropped Niall's legs making him stand on his own again. He gave Niall's pouted lips a quick peck before walking into their shared hotel room, dragging Niall in behind him.

"On your knees, baby." Zayn slurred as he brushed Niall's hair out of his face.

Niall did as he was told, dropping to his knees in front of Zayn. He slowly undid Zayn's pants, moving at a pace Zayn didn't enjoy. After only a few moments Zayn grew frustrated with Niall's slow pace. He slapped Niall's hands away and worked on unbuttoning his pants, getting it done a lot quicker than Niall.

"M'gonna fuck your mouth, keep your hands at your side." Zayn rasped and Niall groaned just from the thought of Zayn slamming into his mouth.

Niall knew it would be rough, just the way he liked it, the way it hasn't been in forever. He opened his mouth, more than ready to take whatever Zayn was willing to give him but Zayn didn't slam into his mouth the way Niall expected him to.

Instead, Zayn was standing above him, laughing.

"I like drunk sex baby, don't you?" He giggled, running his fingers through Niall's hair.

"I do, but I'm not drunk." Niall replied, voicing what Zayn was thinking.

"Ah, yes. I say we get the whiskey and do a few body shots." Zayn slurred as he pulled Niall up so he was standing on his feet.

Even though both boys felt they weren't drunk, they were. In fact they were half past wasted. They both had many shots of tequila at the bar, plus a shit load of vodka on the way there. And tonight they may be living by the motto Niall loves to go by, which is to always drink until the alcohol runs out.

So Niall pulled away from Zayn's hands and walked to the mini bar located in their shared hotel room. There was a few bottles of whiskey and Niall stood there for five minutes decided which to take before he thought, what the hell and grabbed em both.

"Hey, look what I got." Niall mumbled.

And just as Zayn wanted, he had Niall laid on the bed, shirtless and covered in whiskey. He did his best to get it all off, but it didn't work out so well. Niall had been covered in nearly half of the bottle

"I like you this way." Zayn whispered, eyeing Niall as he took a swig from the bottle.

"Hmm," Niall hummed, not paying any attention to what Zayn was saying.

It was then that Zayn noticed Niall had his hand down his pants, stroking his overly excited member.

"Oh, you dirty boy." Zayn groaned, pulling Niall's hand out of his pants.

Niall let out an annoyed groaned, not to happy with the loss of contact and Zayn just smiled down at him.

"I wanna fuck you." Zayn whispered as he started unbuckling Niall's pants.

It took him a while to strip both of them naked seeing as he refused to set the bottle of whiskey down but he got it done.

"Oh fuck." Niall hissed as Zayn pushed into him.

It was painful, really. Zayn had forgot the entire stretching process and just went for it. He was drunk and horny and it felt good to him so he figured it felt good for Niall as well.

Zayn unexpectedly pulled out, just when it was started to feel good for Niall. And that left Niall whining and begging for Zayn to fuck him.

"You look so good this way baby, the world may agree." Zayn said as he pushed back in.

Niall was confused, Zayn had always told him how could he looked while they did what he did bit he never spoke of anybody else liking it.

"What're you on about?" Niall whined, just wanting Zayn to be back inside of him.

"I wanna record you. Can I do that?"

Niall just stared up at a Zayn before he started giggling, non stop. He wasn't sure if Zayn was being serious but he found the idea rather funny.

"C'mon baby, I'll do anything. Just let me record you, record us, just this once." Zayn was almost begging, and he wasn't sure why he wanted this so bad all of a sudden.

Niall laid there, thinking about it and he was just about to say no until Zayn thrusted his hips forward and hit that spot that drove Niall crazy.

"Alright." Niall whispered as he focused on the feeling of Zayn inside of him.

"Alright? Is that a yes?" Zayn asked, the excitement obvious in his voice.

"Yes. Oh fuck, right there." Niall said, grabbing onto Zayn's hair as he hit that spot again.

Zayn pulled out and climbed off of the bed, walking over to his pants that were lying on the floor and fumbled around with then until he finally got his phone from his front pocket. He was nervous all of the sudden and he wasn't sure if he wanted to go through with this.

"C'mon Zayn, record me or don't but you've gotta fuck me now."

Zayn mumbled a quick okay before he turned his camera on, set it up so it was angled towards the bed and hit record.


authors note ;

i got bored so i wrote this, hope the smut wasn't crappy. and my apologies for the ending lol

can I get some feedback though?

vote and comment please

- xox Kali

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