; Chapter One

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; Chapter One

Niall woke up to a loud pounding on his door and an even louder pounding in his head. He was hung over and exhausted and he wanted the pounding to stop. But it didn't and it wouldn't until he got up and answered the door which is something he was dreading.

He laid there for a moment before he finally got up and made his way to the door, groaning the entire time.

Niall thought that it would help if he opened the door, he thought the noise level would drop and the pounding in his head would stop but he was wrong. It only got worse because what's her face was there yelling at him, telling him that he ruined the entire band.

He just stood there, staring at her. She went on and on about how selfish he was to do something like what he did.

After a while he just tuned her out and for a second the pounding in his head stopped, all until Zayn woke up and began asking the lady questions.

"What're you doing here?" He nearly whispered, not wanting to cause any more pain to himself.

He had a massive headache and talking seemed to make it worse.

"Oh, hun, you must be devastated." She said and attempted to pull him towards her but he stepped behind Niall before her fingers could come in contact with his arm.

"What are you on about?" He groaned as she glared over at Niall.

"Well, Niall has shared something very personal with the entire world." She tsked as she like over at Niall.

"What?!" Niall yelled, making both him and Zayn wince in pain.

"Baby, what's she talking about?" Zayn whispered as he stepped from behind Niall.

"I don't fucking know. If I knew I would fucking tell you but I don't so I fucking can't!" He yelled out of frustration.

He didn't know why this lady thought it was okay to knock on their hotel door at the crack of dawn and call him a selfish band ruiner.

"S'alright love, just calm down." Zayn whispered pulling Niall into his arms.

"It's not alright Zayn, she's here accusing me of something I probably had nothing to do with." He mumbled as he leaned into Zany's chest.

"Oh, I know you had everything to do with it. What makes you think it's okay to upload a video of you and you're boyfriend having sex?" She snapped, which aggravated Zayn because who is she to be talking to his love like that.

"I don't- I have no idea what you're talking about." Niall whispered, slightly shocked by what the woman just said.

But there was another part of Niall that was remembering last night and exactly what he and Zayn had done.

"Of course you know what I'm talking about! You-"

Zayn cut her off before she could finish her shouting, not wanting to put up with anyone yelling at Niall, "don't you dare fucking yell at him!"

"I apologize Mr.Malik but you're boy- whatever he is- has probably ruined the entire image we have made for you as a band."

"He's my boyfriend, you know that, it's pathetic that you're being so immature about it. I mean, who are you to come in here and yell at him? It wasn't even him, it was me. I uploaded it because I was piss drunk and I wanted the world to see just how beautiful he his." Zayn said with a smirk which meant he was up to something.

"Oh dear, I just assumed-"

"Exactly, assumed. Let's be adults and not jump to conclusions." Zayn said, cutting her off again.

"Now, if you could just apologize to my boyfriend and get the fuck out. I would really appreciate that. If you and the rest of the team would like to discuss this we can be professional and schedule a meeting."

"Alright, Niall I am sorry. You boys have a good day. Goodbye Mr.Malik."

"You're like fifty, stop trying. He doesn't want you." Niall snapped as he wrapped himself around Zayn.

She glared at Niall and gave Zayn one last hideous flirty smile before she turned to walk out the door.

"I wonder what their saying." Niall whispered after he heard the door shut.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, let's just sleep for a few more hours."


authors note ; oh wow, chapter one. it's short but oh well, my chapters always are. well here's to the start of another story 🙌

hope you all enjoy this chapter and all the chapters that follow it.

- kali

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