OLD ((3)) Morning Stroll

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3rd POV

America hit the bottom of Canada's bed with a soft thud, causing his brother to grumble something in complaint and shift around. The country winced and slowly uncovered himself.

He glanced around the room, squinting in attempt to see better. The clock read 4:56. 'Might as well get up.' America yawned and pulled himself out of bed. Quietly he unplugged his phone and crept out of the room, going downstairs to the living space.

One dim lamp was on in the corner of the room, like always. The country plopped down on the couch and squirmed around, his shirt riding up his back. He frowned and shifted, trying to fix it. With a defeated sigh he unlocked his phone and swiped through his notifications.

'Nothin' new.' He thought with an internal sigh. America huffed and covered his face with his hands, pausing before rising his hands in the air. Hairline fractures rode up his arms, most likely leading to his back.

America sat straight, now alarmed. He stood up, bumping the coffee table. "Shit." The country shook his hands, not sure what to do. 'Bandaids? Maybe glue? What would glue even do?!'

He spun around as he heard footsteps from his parents room. Before he could retreat back to his room a very tired Britain walked into the living room.

"What are you doing up?" He questioned.

America gulped, "Couldn't sleep." He said, slyly putting his hands in his pant pockets.

"Okay then." Britain took a few steps back to his rook before glancing back at his son, "Just be more quiet. Some of us are trying to sleep."

"Yes sir."

Once he was gone America stopped holding his breath and sat down on the couch. 'What should I do?!' He let himself panic a bit before pulling himself off the couch, a plan forming.

Very silently he crept back to his room and opened the door. It was still dark. The country very carefully pulled out some of his clothes from the dresser, trying his best to see what he was snatching up. He then grabbed a hoodie and opened the drawer from his night stand.

Blindly he felt around, poking himself on something sharp before wrapping his hand around a pair of fingerless gloves. America gave a slight nod at his achievement and snuck out of the bedroom.

Too uneasy to go into the bathroom closest to him he went to the one downstairs, getting dressed. He had on a white shirt, blue jeans, a galaxy print hoodie, and the gloves. The country sighed, realizing he forgot his glasses, socks, and shoes.

He went up the stairs, back to the room. When he opened the door he was greeted by Canada sitting on his bed. America jumped, "What are you doing up?" He snapped.

"I'd like to ask you the same thing."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the rest of his clothes. "Felt like getting dressed early."

"Yes five-thirty in the morning is a great time to get dressed for school that's starts at eight."

"Get off my back. I felt like maybe going on a walk."

"Dad wouldn't be happy with you leaving the house this early." Canada said, wagging his finger like their father did at times.

He smiled, "Well then I guess we won't tell him."

"Pick your poison."

America snorted and slipped on his shoes. "Thanks."


The crisp morning air blew on America's face as he walked down the street. It was surprisingly nice to be out at this time. He found his way to the neighborhood park, messing around on the playground.

Before long he got bored, pulling out his phone and leaning on a pole. Canada had texted him a few minutes before.

You should come back, everyone's going to get up soon.

k bro, thanks


America yawned and shoved his phone back into his pocket. 'Welcome to another day of hell.' he thought. Before he could stand up straight a splitting headache pounded through his skull, making him double over.

The county winced in pain and grabbed the pole. "What the hell." He said through gritted teeth. The world around him started to dim, making him panic.

In a rush he staggered out of the park. The headache continued to accelerate, forcing him to stop. "Dad's gonna kill me." He mumbled before crumbling into a ball.


Russia sighed as Belarus and Ukraine took the lead to school. "You guys don't go too far." Belarus, his sister, nodded and skipped a few paces ahead of Ukraine, causing her brother to frown and run in front of her.

The bigger of the three, Russia, sighed and tried to stay closely behind the two. Suddenly both stopped, murmuring to one another about something in front of them. "What is it?" He asked, both of them parting as he came to look at what they were inspecting.

America was shivering in the middle of the sidewalk, gripping his head. Russia looked at his brother and sister, "Do you know what happened." They both shrugged, as confused as him.

The country frowned softly and crouched down, carefully grabbing America's shoulders and shaking him. "Hey dude. You okay?"

America shot up and pushed Russia away, breathing heavily and looking around confused. His glasses were clasped in his hands, which were shaking.

"Are you having ptsd? America you have to talk to us." The siblings all watched the panicked country.

Finally he stood up and shook his head, backing up.

"America- wait!" Russia shouted as the country took off.


Australia, Canada, and New Zealand sat quietly at the dining table, glancing awkwardly around the room as their father frowned. "So, any news?."

Canada fidgeted with his hands. 'I told him to come back!' He thought, a bit of anger leaking into his thoughts. Eventually he half shrugged. "Who knows. You know how Meri acts."

New Zealand yawned, the fake flower crown on her head sliding down. The silence in the room was stifling, smothering everybody.

All of a sudden the front door slammed open, America clambering inside. All eyes landed on him, ranging from sympathy to rage.

"Where were you young man?!" Britain questioned, standing up.

"Needed a walk." The country said, his voice cracking.

"So you just left without saying a word?"

"Yes." America snapped, starting to get upset.

"Don't you use that tone with me-"

"Oh shut up! Like you actually care where we are."

"So you want to talk back!"

"Maybe I do!!"

They both paused as there was a knock on the door.



Sorry this chapter was a bit late, I've been busy!

Word Count: 1000+

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