About the story

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This story is a 16+ story which is a love/lemon story hehhe.

this stuff
[f/n] = first name
[l/n] = last name
[h/c] = hair colour
[e/c] = eye colour

You live alone after you parents got murdered from a villain attack ( they were pro hero's ). Your parents inheritance is quite large due to them being filthy rich, you inherited there Large House that includes there maids and the butlers ( your only friends coz yeet ) also all there money after your brother disappeared at age 5. Your quirk is warriors spirit, this quirk allows you to access the greatest warriors chi and spirit to make a high amount of power through your finger tips which could lead to destruction of city's. this quirk also gives you the confidence and the mind of a warrior, this is because after accessing a warriors spirit apart of the warriors personality traits becomes your own ( she vowed never to summon a demon warrior due to a accident in the past, all I can say a lot of people died ). Because your so confident this leads to people thinking your a stuck up person, but the truth is your a kind, strong, powerful, seductive, beautiful and sweet but also very stubborn and egotistic.

Enjoy 8=D

Bakugo x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now