Way home

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//the bus looked like this//

/As Rin entered the bus to go home, he noticed two faces that looked familiar to him

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/As Rin entered the bus to go home, he noticed two faces that looked familiar to him. A boy, whose name he didn't know but was in his class and Yukki was right next to him/

Rin: H-Hey! Yukki~san.

Yukki: /turns around/ OMG Hey Rin! I didn't know you took the bus home!

Rin: Well, I'm not so used to it but yeah, this is the first time i'm doing this.

Yukki: Look Akuria, it's Rin, The one that watches anime too!

Akuria: Oh, That's him? I expected a little more though for an Otaku.

Akuria: Oh, That's him? I expected a little more though for an Otaku

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Yukki: Why do you have a problem with everyone?

Akuria: Don't tell me I have issues.

/As the bus halts at the bus stop, Rin's time has come/

Rin: Well, that's my stop guys, Guess i'll see you guys tomorrow then?

Both of them: Yep!

/Rin watches as the bus leaves with his friends and starts to make his way home as well/


Well guys, I tried  to keep my promise but as soon as i remembered this, I had End of term exam and wouldn't get my computer till the week after test and then I have to wait for my results that same week. I hope I didn't fail. Wish me luck and I hope this short update will do.


~Rinkashime Moriama

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