Prologue: Part 2

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It was a bright and sunny day, which is why it was odd for Ji and the Rangers to feel a harsh chill and to see a flurry of snowflakes outside of the window. They rushed outside to investigate, and discovered Jordyn collapsed on the ground, surrounded by snow. Ji made a noise of surprise and made his way over to her, kneeling down beside her and gently shaking her shoulder.

"Jordyn? Wake up. What happened to you?" He said, and kept repeating her name until her eyes opened and she groaned, sitting up.

"Ugh, my head..." She complained, looking up at Ji as soon as her head stopped spinning and aching. Her mouth opened slightly in surprise at him, and the Rangers behind him. "Wait, Ji? Am I at the Shiba House? Did my symbol power work?"

Ji opened his mouth to answer when the Blue Ranger cut him off, facing Jordyn harshly. "Apparently it did, but who even are you?"

"Steven, she's hurt. Can't you see that?" The Red Ranger chided his teammate, his voice loud enough to attract two children, a boy and a girl, from inside. They instantly made their way over to the Red Ranger, and their resemblance made it obvious that they were his.

"Daddy," The boy said, looking straight at Jordyn. "Who is she? Is she another Ranger?" Before he could answer, the girl piped up, looking excited and happy. "I think so, Jayden. Look, she has a zord and a morpher!" She exclaimed, pointing at the objects in Jordyn's hands.

By this point, Jordyn had been able to stand with Ji's help, and the Red Ranger turned back to his kids. "Jayden, Lauren, go back inside and prepare a room for our guest." He said, and the two rushed off quickly as Jordyn was brought inside and settled into a chair. The Rangers gathered around her, and introduced themselves one by one. The Red Ranger was Alex, the Green was Hector, the Blue was Steven, the Pink was Erika, and the Yellow was Brittany. Once they had gotten through with their introductions, and Jordyn had silently filed away her first impressions of them, Ji stepped forward.

"Jordyn, what happened at the Tengen Gate? Where's Arisa?" He asked, and Jordyn swallowed hard, figuring that she owed an explanation to the Rangers about her sudden appearance. She bit her lip, then spoke.

"Ok, you want an explanation? The Tengen Gate was attacked by nighlock in an attempt to find and destroy the Black Box so none of us could use it in the future. My dad and I hid, and my mom was killed trying to fight them off, so my dad told me to come here, alright?" She said a bit harshly, and the expressions of those around her changed quickly, turning sympathetic, but Jordyn didn't want their sympathy, so she stood. "I am now the White Samurai Ranger, and I'm joining your team, whether you approve of me or not." She said with a pointed glare at Steven, who looked away. "I have been trained since age 4, and like hell am I going to let the nighlock and Master Xandred take over the Earth."

Her words made the Rangers look at her in surprise and admiration. She was the youngest of them, only 16, but she had more bravery than all of them put together. Alex grinned, and put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "If that's what you want," he began, "then we will be more than happy to welcome you to be the 6th Samurai Ranger, and we will help you to be the best you can be." Jordyn returned the grin, and put her hand in the middle of all of them. Erika, catching on, put her hand on top of Jordyn's, Brittany quickly following suit. The boys joined them, and then looked at Ji. Ji smiled, and put his hand on top of theirs, the link that held them all together.

"Rangers together," Jordyn said, her grin widening as she looked at her new teammates. They nodded, and grins spread across their faces as well. They raised their hands up towards the sky, and, together, finished the chant.

"Samurai forever!"

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