Prologue: Part 3

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Jordyn struggled to stand up, using her sword as a cane. It had been two years since she had joined the Rangers, and now, it was the final battle. Master Xandred had already injured most of the team, and was advancing on Alex, ready to take down the Red Ranger for good. She watched him struggle to stand as Xandred came closer, and realized that she couldn't let him die. He needed to seal Xandred to buy Lauren time to master the sealing symbol, and he couldn't do that if Xandred was deadlocked on him. He needed to be distracted, and Jordyn knew she was the only one strong enough. She got to her feet, ignoring her wounds under her suit, and spun her disk. "Double ice katanas!" She cried, and her spin sword transformed. Gripping one in each hand, she rushed at Xandred, who turned just as her swords hit him. They struck, freezing his legs so he couldn't move, as the ice slowly crept up his body to freeze him completely, buying Alex time to draw the symbol. Master Xandred snarled, slashing Jordyn with his blade and sending her flying back with a torrent of dark energy.

"Meddlesome White Ranger! I thought I told you to stay down!" He yelled, as Jordyn went flying back and landed hard on the pavement, causing her to demorph and faint. Xandred turned back to Alex, only to find himself stuck in the ice and unable to do so. He growled, breaking out of the ice and turning just as Alex used the very last bit of his energy to finish the symbol and send it at Xandred. The symbol struck him, and he began to glow with a bright light. "What? Nooooo!" Xandred cried out in agony. "Curse you Rangers!" He screamed loudly, but it grew silent as he was sealed away in the Netherworld. Alex weakly looked around at his team, and his eyes locked onto Jordyn's unconscious form. She looked like a child, so innocent and young, which she technically was even though she was 18. Alex managed to smile and groan out a thank you to the girl who had saved his life before he slumped down onto the ground, and took his final breath.
Several hours passed, and the Rangers were recovering at the Shiba House. Their wounds were grievous, but they were expected to make it, with the exception of Jordyn, who still hadn't awoken. Ji feared the worst, but if her breathing was any indication, she was still alive, but barely. Ji's mind flashed back to the year before, just before Lauren was sent away. Jordyn had sat him down, looking grim, and he feared the worst...
"Ji, I need to talk to you."

Jordyn had sat him down in her room, looking upset about something. She was fidgeting with her samuraizer, looking down and not at him. Though he was worried, Ji instantly became protective of the youngest Samurai Ranger, fearing someone had hurt or upset her.

"Of course, Jordyn. What is it?"

He had made his voice kind and caring, hoping it would calm her down. Of course, it had worked, and she had finally looked up at him.

"Well, it's kinda obvious that Master Xandred will escape the Netherworld again, if the nighlock attacks are any indication. So, years ago, my grandmother came up with a failsafe in case a White Samurai Ranger ever fell in combat against him."

Ji was surprised at this, having never heard of a failsafe from Arisa during his brief conversations with her, but he didn't show this, as he gestured for her to go on with what she was saying.

"It's a cyrokinetic stasis chamber, designed to freeze us in ice and protect us while also healing our wounds. It's hidden, and only my family knows its location. So, if I fall in battle against Xandred, I need you to take me there. The others can't know about it, as it takes the elements of the others to open it, but that's only when it's sealed. It's open right now, since none of us have had to use it."

Ji was even more surprised at this, but it made sense, given that the elements the White Rangers controlled were snow and ice. Jordyn had gripped his hand at this point, looking him dead in the eyes. He had never seen her so serious.

"Promise me you'll do this."

"I promise, Jordyn."
Now, it seemed as though he had to do this, as much as he didn't want to, but he had promised her that he would. The need for it became more apparent as Jordyn's breaths became shallower and shorter, and her pulse began to slow. Realizing that she didn't have much time left, he grabbed his own samuraizer and drew a symbol in front of them, gripping Jordyn's waist as he slashed through it, and they teleported.

Ji landed in a thick forest, Jordyn in his arms. Glancing around, he believed he was in the wrong place until he saw the cave in front of him, filled with ice and a large stone door to the side of it. The door was carved with the symbols of the other 5 elements, as well as the symbol for light, which confused him slightly. But he pushed the thought aside as he entered the cave, shivering from cold almost instantly. Upon going deeper into the cave, he saw a bed-like structure filled with golden water, and he moved over to it, placing Jordyn into it, which submerged her completely, before putting her zord and morpher into a small chest on the floor beside it. Noticing a button on the side of the bed, he pressed it, and the water slowly began to freeze around the submerged Jordyn, turning into solid ice, which glittered and gleamed, hiding the girl from view. Ji sighed a bit sadly before turning and exiting the cave, sliding the door back into place before sealing it with symbol power. The symbols on the door began to glow their respective colors, and the door sealed tightly. The job done, Ji quietly said goodbye to the youngest Ranger before teleporting home once more.

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