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Imma make up background info: I go to some prestigious school 30 mins away. Something scary happened there. Somehow parents are gone. Live with neighbor? Comfort me? Boom.

The story here

     Right now I'm in the car to some really weird prestigious school. It's my first day there and I'm hella nervous. I have my bag packed for the week. This school you get dropped off on Monday and picked up on Friday, it sucks. We finally arrive at the school and my mom looks like she is about to cry. I hug her and my dad then walk into the school.

     Whispers. That's all I hear. People are looking at me strange and whispering. It could have something to do with me being new. I ignore the whispers and continue to walk to my little dorm thingy. I wonder what my roommate is like.

     I arrive at my dorm and there's a girl with short blonde hair sitting at one of the desks. Beside her is another desk and there's a bunk bed behind the desks.

     "Hi." I greet her.
     "What do you want?" She continues staring at her phone.
     "I'm your new roommate, Brooke."
     "I'm Rebecca and don't care."
    "Ok... which bed is yours?"
    "Top." She continues on her phone.

     I put my bag down and sit at my desk. I pull out my sketch book and start to draw. Rebecca gets up and walks out of the room. I grab my backpack and head to my first class. Thankfully, since today is the first day of school classes start later.


"Apparently Nicole came across the remains of Rachel."
"Omg really?"
"Where were they?"
"They were in some weird old tub in the basement."
"That's disgusting. Who killed her?"
"No one knows. People think it was that Max kid that was expelled last year."
"Why was he expelled again?"
"He played some little prank on a teacher. They got mad and expelled him. Everyone was sad because he was really nice."
"Some say that he went crazy after he was expelled."
"Really? Max?"
"The same sweet Max?"
"Yea that Max."

     All I hear is gossip about some dead body turning up in the basement. Wtf. A dead body?! Everyone is so chill. The teacher even said that the Nicole girl was lucky to find her. Lucky?! This school is messed up. My parents won't believe me though. I start getting majorly freaked out but continue with my drawing.


     So it turns out that after 9 pm they lock all the doors. I walked out of the library at 8:56 and it takes 5 minutes to get to my dorm building. It's 9:01 and I can't open any doors. When a teacher saw me through a window her eyes widened and she ran. Thanks lady. I'm walking around hoping to find an open door.

     While I'm walking around the side of a building I hear footsteps. I pick up my pace and so do the footsteps. Once I'm around the building I stop and turn around. No one. I sit down on a bench and catch my breathe. I turn my head to the left and see some guy standing beside me. I jump and scream. His eyes widen. Suddenly his hand shoots over my mouth and he smirks at my fear filled eyes.

     He yanks me up  and brings me to some little building at the edge of the school. Everything from there, I'd prefer not to talk about. The things he said and did. Gag. (I realize that sounds really bad. It was not as bad as it sounds. Just had to clear some things.)

"Get to the bus!"
"Why are we rushing home?!"
"Another victim?"
"I want my moooooom!"

     I woke up with the guy gone. I walk out and see Rebecca.

"What's going on?" I ask.
"Someone else was found dead, they are rushing us home." And she runs.

     I run after her and into the crowd. I manage to get on a bus that is going to my town and sit down in an empty seat. This is too much to handle. Another dead? Wtf.

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