Hour 1!

14 1 1

My eyes opened up slowly and everything still seemed fuzzy. "Whoa, you sure took one to the head there." Kale said as he scrunched up my fur into one spot on my head. "Stop it, you idiot!" I put my fur back in front of my right eye. "Anyway, where are we?" I asked him as I looked around. I Couldn't see the doors, no windows, no anything! There was just lights flashing red. "Oh... Well, ehehe." Kale laughed nervously. I looked straight into his eye and studied his thoughts. It's not that hard you know. "You dragged me to a random spot down here and have no idea how to get back. Am I right?" I asked him. He nodded his head then froze. Just staring into my right eye. "Kale?" I asked him. What was wrong with him? "Yo-Your eye..." He moved my fur away and exposed my eye. I had no idea what he was talking about. "Kale?! What the hell are you babbling about?!" I yelled. He covered my mouth to hush me and pointed down the hall. A ruckus arose mixed with growling and hissing. "Sorry.." I whispered.  He  moved my fur again looking into my eye. "What's wrong?"  He went to spoke but he probably didn't want to believe what he was about to say. "Your eye is red! Like completely red! Not blood shot, but Completely red!"

"Red?!" I yelled. He hushed me again. I keep on forgetting! "Okay. We need to like, maybe get moving?" He helped me off the floor and led me through the hallway. He had no idea where we were or anything. Yet he had the courage to lead me? The lights on the walls continued to flash red as we headed further down an empty hallway. Littered with broken glass and blood. I passed by a door that was open. Another room? I peeked inside, it didn't seem normal. An I.V. machine? Bed? Medical supplies? Was... Was this a hospital?! I ran inside and grabbed some cloth wrapping. With all the crap I get into, who knows? I might need it.

"Hallo? You coming?" I had completely forgot about Kale. I hurried out and caught up. "You had me worried for a second." I flattened my ears. I really didn't want to talk. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. It's literally my fault that Kale is in here with me. But back to a previous situation. My eye? Red? Like how red exactly? I stopped again and picked up a piece of glass off the floor. Lightly spattered in blood. I shift my fur away from my eye. It was red! Really fucking red. Like filled with blood. The outside was a light red like a hat I think I have at home. Then my pupil looks like its just bloody. Like my actual blood. My blood is like regular looking blood mix with the color of a black cherry, You know?

"Hallo! Stop falling behind!" Kale whisper shouted at me. I rubbed my right arm and continued to walk. I heard hissing off in the distance, it didn't sound happy. Or friendly. "Umm. Kale can I ask you something?" He turned around and looked at me. "Has it ever came into your mind, maybe-" I froze. My vision again. It was going white and there was something behind Kale. It was indistinct. I could only see the outline of it. 


 Before I said anything, I stared deeper into his one eye. Was it filled with blood? Past injury? "Get your left eye checked!" I extended my claw and it got him the eye. "You little-" 

~Back to the present~

"H" My hearing to?! My vision was coming back and apparently my hearing too. "Hallo!" Kale yelled at me. Something had him pinned to the ground. It lifted its head and stared at me. Its eyes were black. Its face was an unknown look. I can't really describe it. It was terrifying! "Hallo! Are you gonna help me or what?!" He yelled again. I couldn't move. My limbs were numb. I couldn't move?! Was I that scared? Why am I not moving?! "Get away from him!" I took control of my body again charge kicked that thing in the head! It didn't move. It stopped messing with Kale and looked up at me. The sweat beaded up and slid down my fur. I heard it growl. "What the hell are you?!" I ran down the hall and locked myself in a different room. 

I slid down against the door. Was it finally over? Was Kale dead?! Banging came from the door. Was it Kale? "Let me in Hallo!" I quickly opened the door and then locked it again. He was breathless.  Gasping for air? What the fuck happened? "Kale?! I-I.... I'm so sorry!" I hugged him as tight as I could. My tears slowly ran down my fur and hit his shirt. How could I have been so selfish?! "Oh stop crying you big baby!" He got ME off his shoulder this time?! What's happening to me?! "Everything is going to be just fine!" Was he mimicking me?!

"Oh you big baby stop crying!" I got him off my shoulder -

I pushed him away. "Prick." He broke out laughing. That was the first time I've heard him laugh in a long time. Was he actually enjoying my company? After awhile we just started  talking about stuff that happened before we met. I mean, I'm pretty sure we met in 3rd grade? I don't know exactly know. I have a really bad memory. But these flashbacks I've been having tell me otherwise! But I don't know why were still in this room. We're literally on the brink of dying. He isn't worried?

~Shouldn't He Be Worried?~

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