Part 2. Panic Room Origin

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I forced a smile showing my fangs. "Well? Go on, you blood thirsty bastard." I laughed. He tried to get to my level but there was no point. We are literally the same size. "You-" He said as he pointed to my chest. "You enter the Panic Room." He said.

Kale grabbed my sleeve in fear. "Hallo don't! He's up to something!" I quickly snatched my arm away. "Don't Worry! I'm , Hallo Scott, ya know?"  I Bared a smile and gave him a thumbs up. When I looked back to the principal My smile dissolved. "One condition." I spat. He raised his eyebrow. "Name it then." He stated.

I looked over to kale. He smiled a little bit , then I took a deep breath. "Only if he can come with me!" I said as I grabbed his arm. My tail and ears were on end. So many people reacted. As if they saw dead puppies. "Fine. Sure. You can bring HIM. But, there is a catch. You need to get through all of it. And even if you ask to leave it, that access will not be granted." Kale looked over at me with a worried face. Telling me to stop with his eye. But mine fought back and said yes. "AND-" 

"There's a AND?!" I asked. "Tomorrow. You won't have the week to prepare like others do. Tomorrow." He turned away from me and walked to his office as his assistance followed him. "Oh and while your at it, maybe get a life." I yelled down the hall. I pretended to brush dust off my shoulders and looked at Kale with a huge ass grin on my face. 

"W-what the hell is wrong with you?! I'm not even the required age!" His eye started to tear up as he thought about it. "I don't want to die Hallo!" He collapsed into my shoulder and hugged me. My ears and tail dropped. What did I drag him into? "Oh you big baby stop crying!" I got him off my shoulder and wiped his tears away. "Were gonna get through this together!" I said to him. He smiled as he wiped the remaining water off of his face. "Plus, I have be there. I kinda don't have a choice!" 

~ 3 Hours Later ~

I layed on my bed starring at the ceiling. The Panic Room? What was it exactly? I mean it's not that hard to figure out.  According to an article I found online, it was built in case of emergencies. But after one emergency that had over 50 people go inside of it,  only 5 people came back out. Now since my school pulled a damn psychotic nerve, they use it a trial. Sometimes even punishment. 

In my case, I think it's both. Apparently due to not removing or at least respecting the 45 people who did die and giving them a proper funeral caused that place to be dangerous in some cases. And the principal knows barely anyone gets out of there unscathed. Or not dead! Hopefully I don't end up dead. I should be more worried about Kale. He's under the legal age and the principal knows that. And he still has the nerve to send him in there?! What's wrong with him?! It's not safe in there. People who have survived have told their tales. And sometimes it sounds unbelievable. But I have to make sure to watch out for Kale. Being under the Legal age he's at more of a risk to be injured.  After the incident, and leaving the bodies, well I have no idea what happened to them. I have no idea what actually happened to them but what did..

I'll have to find out tomorrow.

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