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"What do you mean by 'i like you'?"

"Think for yourself,"
As fast as the words slipped out from his mouth earlier, Roger seemed to regret it.
"Er... A..April Fool's!"
Roger suddenly stuttered which made Brian gave him a look.

"Roger, it's fucking July,"
"You can't lie to me now, Rog. Please just tell me why? I want this to stop, that's it,"
Roger felt his face heat up from embarrassment and bit his lip.
"Oh my God, Bri. Like I said, just think for yourself," Roger growled.
"No I will not think for myself, I want your explanation,"
Brian growled back.

"Why do you care so much?"
"Do you think I'm not hurt deep down inside seeing my own bandmate, my own bestfriend, going all around town fucking strangers and being a full-time slut?"
Brian snapped which made Roger flinched.

Full-time slut, is that what he thinks of me?

Out of embarrassment, Roger laid himself on the bed, going under the covers.
Brian sighed and joined Roger under the covers. Roger felt his face heat up more, he felt like he couldn't take it any longer.

The two were now facing eachother, their faces only inches apart.
Roger scanned Brian's face, enjoying true beauty in front of him, while Brian just looked at him in the eyes.
"Roger, look at me,"
Roger's eyes then fixed into Brian's.
"I like you too, okay? I've liked you from the start,"
Roger felt his heart skip a beat.
Does this really mean he's in love with me too?
"You're already like a brother to me,"

Oh. Brother.

"We're all brothers. You all are like a second family to me and I don't like seeing any of you getting involved with nonsense,"
Roger felt his heart's broken pieces stab his own chest. He tried holding in his tears but he couldn't.
As soon as Roger started crying, Brian pulled him to a warm hug.

"It's alright, cry it all out. I'm here for you always,"
Brian said softly as he stroked Roger's blonde locks.
Roger knew if he 'cried it all out' , he would never stop crying.
Rogger sniffled.

"I'm in love with someone I can never have,"
"They will never feel the same, too,"

Brian hugged Roger tighter.
"Tell me, who? I can help you,"
Roger thought Brian would get a hint but he didn't.
"How are you going to help me when you're..."

The one I'm in love with.

Roger couldn't finish his sentence as he broke down crying.
"When I'm what, Rog?"
Brian said softly, almost a whisper.
"Wh..when you're th..the..."
"..always busy,"

"I know, I'm busy at times but that doesn't mean I can't help me friends,"
There was then a short silence between them.
"You know what, Rog? I think you need some sleep, I'm sure you'll feel better," Brian broke the silence.
"Yeah, right. Sleep. Okay, let's sleep,"
Was all Roger could say.
"Alright then, I'll sleep too,"
Brian said.
"Goodnight," Roger said as he pulled away from the hug and turned to face the opposite direction.
"Goodnight, too,"
Brian replied and Roger gave no respond anymore.

After a short silence, Brian suddenly spoke.
"Oh, one more thing, please promise me that you're going to stop doing that job from now on, okay?"

Roger was silenced for a while.

The both of them then drifted to sleep.

Roger woke up from his sleep sometime in the middle of the night. He looked over him and saw Brian sleeping soundly.
He then took the chance to hug Brian while trying to fall back asleep and eventually did.
He felt like home for once.


Crappy chapter but hope yall enjoyed

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