Demons in Walmart

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It started with myself and a group of friends at the beach. We were peacefully walking across the sand and enjoying the nice breeze with the sound of water swooshing across the beaches smoothly.

The peace ended abruptly when a man came over to greet us. "Hey! You kids!"

"Uh," I started stammering. "Yeah?"

"Can you look after my Walmart?" he points at the big store by the road, which of course was by the beach. Practically no one was there (besides a seagull and a sleeping man).

"But. . . We're only fifteen?" I questioned, wrinkling my nose.


I exchanged confused, amused glances with my friends. We were questioning the sanity of the man, but thought 'Hey! Wouldn't it be cool to be in-charge of Walmart for a while?'.

Oh, how wrong we were.

As soon as we stepped foot in the Walmart, we quickly realized that first of all: their were no employees.

Second: "This is a Loblaws! Not a Walmart," one of my friends protested.

Third: "Hey look, a cool demon," another pointed at the giant spider thing at the back.

And finally: "Yo, we're locked in with the demon," my last friend shook the doors.

A minute later, we were all screaming for our life as the spider/demon chased us.

"We need to do something!" I screamed as the spider demon tossed me across the building.

"I got it!" my friend called (give fake name to save identity) 'Aaron' shouted. "Awkward! Keep distracting it!"

I did really good at my part. The spider gave me a good smack-down, tossing me around the store, hissing at me, freaking locking me into a closet. . . 

"Hurry up Aaron!" I screamed as I tried to break the door down.

The door cracked and I feel on to the floor. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes and look up. The spider demon was gone. Holy - she did it! Aaron did it! The spider is gone, I sighed, completely relieved.

As I got up, I tried walking down the cereal aisle, trying to call to my friends.

Then I ran into a wolf demon. 

Taking a deep, sharp breath, I put my hands together and looked straight at Aaron. "What is this?" I ask.

"I summoned a demon," Aaron started, closing a witchcraft book. "To fight the other demon." She beamed while my other friends facepalm.

With a deafening demonic screech, the wolf demon charged at the spider demon (who just randomly appeared to see the commotion). 

The spider stopped it. "Hey bro," it said in a deep, chill voice. "How about instead of fighting to death with an epic showdown, we team up and eat the humans?"

The wolf slumped his shoulders in a relaxing state. "Yeah sure dude," he said in a polite British accent. 

They both turned to us and charged. 

"God dammit Aaron!" I screamed as the spider continued throwing me around.

"I thought it would work!" Aaron screamed as the wolf chased her around the fruit aisle with friend #2.

In the next five minute, fruit stains were everywhere, aisles were knocked down, soup was spilled all over the floor, and the poor ice cream. . . melted.

As all of us were huddled behind the cashier, friend #3 jumped up and pointed at the window. "The costumers are here."

As the costumers came in, about two thirds were devoured.

We were horrified.

"Awkward!" I flinched as Aaron pushed me into the open. "Distract them again! I have a fool proof idea to stop this!"

"It doesn't involve summoning another demon, does it?" I ask.

Aaron bit her lip. "Okay, I have ANOTHER fool proof idea. . . JUST DISTRACT THEM!"

Right on cue, both demons charged at me. So I did the most logical thing in the situation: I ran for my life.

I was chased outside and started to climb on one of the pillars, believing it seemed like the best thing to do right now. 

Disappointed in me, the demons exchanged glances before peeling me off the pillar and playing ping pong. Me as the ball.

As I was thrown back in forth in horror, a giant paper airplane that was piloted by my friends zoomed in and saved me.

"You saved me!" I gasp, grabbing the side of the paper airplane.

"Damn right we did!" friend #2 beamed.

"But what about the demons?" I turn to Aaron. "I thought you had a plan to get rid of them?"

"And I did!" she pointed at the Walmart, far behind them.

On cue, it blew up.

We crashed into the sandy beach and got up quickly, watching the falling debris on fire and smokey area. The demons turned into dust and were no more.

Aaron and my friends beamed at each other proudly, then noticed my expression.

"What's wrong with you now?" friend #2 frowned.

I opened and closed my mouth, thinking for a moment. "We blew up a Walmart. We don't own Walmart."

They slowly turned to the sunset and saw the Manager walking up from the beach. 

He stops whistling and stares at the destroyed Walmart, then at us, then back at the destruction, then back at us, and back again. He grinned. "Nice work guys!"

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