Being a bat (furry?!)

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I woke up upside down in an attic.

"What the hell is this - AHHHH!" I tumbled onto the ground with a loud thump.

It hurt, but that wasn't the problem. The problem, was that my arms were furry and were wings. Freaking wings.

"Whatthehellwhatthehellwhatthehell," I started panicking. 

I stumbled in the dark until I found the mirror. I was a flipping bat! How am I a bat?! I had ears! A stubby tail! Wings - no wait. . . I have wings. . .

"Does this mean I can fly now?" slowly I smiled.

Five minutes later, I was trying to jump off the roof of the house. Although I was flapping my wings, I kept falling on my face.

"What are you doing?" a little boy stops on the sidewalk to stare at me.

"Oh, I turned into a bat and now i'm trying to fly," I tell him.

"Why? Shouldn't you be in school?"

Oh crap.

Obviously knowing I'm a bad flier, I ran down the road instead. I'm going to be late, i'm going to be late, i'm going to be late -

I then collided into a fence.

"Who puts a fence, in the middle of a DREAM?!" I screeched.

I get up and see Aaron staring at me from the other side. With a dramatic gasp, she threw her stuff to the ground and pointed at me dramatically. "YOU ARE A FURRY!"



"I'M NOT!!!!!!"


"I DUNT KNOW!!!!!!?????"

"Oh, by the way," Aaron relaxes and starts to walk away. "Your late for school."

"NOOOOOO!" I flung myself on the fence and tried to climb it. Turns out, it was VERY tall.

As soon as I get to the top, I realized with a horrible feeling that it was too late. So in a desperate attempt, I jumped and started flapping my wings (agonizing slow).

But then. . . I was flying!!1!

"I'm flying!" I shouted. "I'M ACTUALLY FLYING!!!!!!"

"Furry," Aaron mumbled to my other friend, Jordyn, as they watch from the ground.

"I Believe I can fly ~ " I suddenly start flying away from school, no longer caring about missing it.


Anyways, I flew up high into the clouds, enjoying the not-fluffy clouds, the birds in military formation, and the plan that I flew into.

I flipping fell after that.

"No no no help!" I scream as I plummet to my doom.

Suddenly, I fell into a mall food court. Confused and terrified, I sit up in my seat and glance at the people around me.

They were the flipping muppets.

"Oh hey there fella!" Kermit the frog says. "That looked like quite the fall there buddy!"

"Did it hurt?!" Fozzie the bear asked.

"I usually do the stunts. . ." Gonzo the I-Don't-Really-Know mumbled.

I slowly facepalmed. Really not understanding my dream.

My (really messed up) dream logWhere stories live. Discover now