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Damon's POV

Me and Elena decided to go out tonight with a few of our friends. I lay down in our bed as I watch her get ready. She looks over at me and says "you're so weird why are you staring at me?" I reply with saying" you're just to beautiful any guy would stare" she giggles and I start to day dream about our future Together, as she perfects her mascara.

As soon as Elena finishes getting ready, we walk out the door, holding hands, with huge smiles glued to our faces. We get in the car, and Elena grabs my hand as I start it. She rubs her thumb on mine and I smile brightly and try to concentrate on the road.

as we arrive at the grill, we see Caroline and Stefan. I wave at them happily and leave elena behind as I run up to them. I hug Stefan and kiss Caroline on the cheek. I loved her as I would love a sister, and that's all.

Elenas POV

I see Damon kiss Caroline on the cheek, and a wave of jealousy floods over me. He does that every time he sees her and I never felt this way before. Its like my body is telling me that I should be and that somethings gonna happen.

Caroline runs up to me and I escape the feelings that just washed over me. I hug her and we squeal and both say at the same exact time "I haven't seen you in forever!". Damon and Stefan look at each other and shrug. That makes me laugh. We all walk through the doors to the grill together and happily take a seat at the bar.

          Everyone exceeds what is considered drunk... Except for me. I'm not a huge drinker. Yes, I will have a few, but not wasted drunk, like damon. Speaking of, I haven't seen him in a while I'm here alone with Stefan. Caroline and Damon said that they were going to use the bathroom and they didn't come back yet.

          I grab Stefan and we go to look for them. Eventually we find them, but they're not doing what we thought theyd be doing. Damon was kissing Caroline, she was up against the wall and she had her arms wrapped around him. They were both clearly enjoying it. I think to myself, this isn't real, he loves me, he's a stupid drunk he doesn't actually mean to hurt me. I say from behind them, "Damon? What are you doing?"

          I see him turn around and say "Lena?" He looks around but he can't seem to find me I say to him, "Damon, I'm right here." He looks at me and turns around, looking at Caroline. "I thought you were over there.", motioning to Caroline."Cmon Damon don't play dumb I know you're not that drunk. Caroline looks nothing like me."

          I turn around and hug Stefan, knowing that he is going through the same thing as me in the inside, he just doesn't show it. I sob into his shoulder and Damon tries to pull me off of him. Stefan pushes him off and let's go of me to go fight Damon. I push myself against the wall and sit down so watch, normally I would be mad as hell cause he would hurt Damon, but right now I'm so pissed I honestly don't care what Stefan does.

          I saw Caroline run off somewhere, and I admit I'm pissed at her too, but I look forward to see Damon bloody and getting hit repededly by Stefan. This made me feel so insecure that Damon would never truly understand what he did to me. He has lost me forever, at least that's what I thought in that moment. A few minutes ago I would never ever say that. I still love Damon with all of my heart. You can love someone and be mad at them, right?

          after Stefan is done getting his anger out on Damon, he says "now you stay the hell away from Elena, I can almost guarantee that she doesn't want to see you right now and you're too drunk to make decisions anyway." He walks up to me and pulls me with him. I go with him, still shocked about what had happened.

One week later...

          It had been a week. I had gotten slightly less mad at Damon for what he had done, and Stefan had been my rock through this, and vice versa. I haven't seen Caroline around either. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. I go downstairs to answer it, and see Stefan talking to Damon. "Is she here I need to see her" and Stefan looks at me, I nod and Stefan steps aside for Damon to walk in. " First, Stefan I would like to apologise to you. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing, honestly I have no interest in Caroline, and I swear it will never happen again. I love her like a sister." Stefan nods, but says.  "I can't accept your apology until I'm sure, I hope you can understand""of course brother." I hear him say back lowly.

          Damon walks over to me and says, "Elena, baby" Stefan walks out of the room. I reply with saying " Damon you can't charm your way out of this. I'm so hurt by what you did to me, it makes me feel so alone, and insecure that I wanna die." He frowns. "I know and I would apologise to you and I want to, but I can't, not yet. Not until I know that I am worthy of your forgiveness I know I did a horrible thing but I promise you that I will make it up to you. I love you Elena so Much. " He kisses me on the forehead.

          He turns to walk away, I stop him, "wait damon," He turns around hopelessly. I run up and hug him and whisper in his ear, " for good luck." He hugs me back, then nods and walks out the door. The tears start flowing and I just vamp run upstairs to Damon's bedroom. I open his t-shirt drawer and grab a plain black one. I smell it, and I lay on his bed, holding it in my arms tightly. I miss him so much. Stefan walks in. He says to me, " I know I miss him too, but he's not worthy of forgiveness, not yet." I nod. " I just wish this wasn't the way things had to be." Stefan flashes me an understanding look, and comes to lie in the bed with me. He lays down and I snuggle into his side, sobbing with him.

One month later...

          I miss damon. I've been an emotional wreck for the past month and a half. I hear another knock at the door. And honestly I wish with all of my heart that it is Damon, and I really don't care if he is "worthy of forgiveness" because all I want to do right now is kiss him. I open the door and I see him standing there looking nervous. He pulls flowers from behind his back. And says "Elena, I've been out in the desert, where I couldn't hurt anyone else, but I've been doing some thinking." I smile and he continues "I've never been a good enough man for you, and I just made myself even less worthy of your love, because of what I've done. So I'm not asking you to forgive me. If you do eventually. Then that's great, but I will never forgive myself. So that means that we can't be together. It would make me feel too guilty and I'm not good enough for you. And I just ask of you one thing, please don't cry over me, please don't miss me, or tell anyone what I am doing. " I say"no Damon," and I start sobbing uncontrollably. He caresses my cheek, "I realize I will never be good enough for you, and you're all I need right now, and I just want to kiss you with all the passion I have in my entire vampire body, but we both know we can't do that. Because I am not all you need I am a burden. I can't be around you Elena. And kissing you would be the most selfish thing that I've ever done.
He turns halfway to leave I stop him, holding his shoulder, "well then I guess I'm selfish too" I kiss his perfect lips so passionately. This is all I've needed the past month and a half.

          Damon eventually breaks the kiss, and I say to him " you're wrong, because all I need is you and it's truly the opposite I am not worthy of your love, I am so flawed and you fixed me." He smiles and just kisses me once more.

          After that day, I can't remember him ever making a mistake that would hurt me in any way shape or form.

I love Damon Salvatore.

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