When Your Chubby

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-He loves laying his head between your boobies
Especially loves when your walking in a room and your thighs rub together
"Here comes my baby momma 🤤"
"Freddy will you please stop looking at my boobs and look at my face."

-short 👏 skirts👏
He loves having all access to your upper thighs
Inner thigh grabs all day
"Your body is so perfect Y/N~"
"Billy you've told me this 10 times today."

-This boi loves feeling your chubbiness against his chest when you cuddle uwu
Tummy grabs!
"Stop your tickling me!"
"It's cute though"

-Adores your chubbiness
Loves to hug you and your squishiness
He really doesn't care what his mother thinks, he loves you for you
"Your mom probably hates me cause I'm fat.."
"I don't care what mother thinks, and your not fat!"

-He will run up behind you and hug you
Booty grabs
Booby grabs
Cheek grabs
"I love you and your body so much."
Will lay and put his head in between your boobs

-She👏will👏get👏angry if anyone makes fun of you
"Your beautiful the way you are"
Kisses on your tum tum
Cuddles all day fam

-He loves to squish your chubby cheeks together
"Jason it's not funny or cute!"
"Yes it is -3-"
Will pay to see you in a two piece swimsuit
"Stop staring at my ass."

-Even though the family members try to get you to exercise, he will feed you doughnuts
Literally gets so angry when someone calls you fat/whale
"Sweetie it's ok your body is fine the way it is."
Goes on killing spree to release his anger

-There's no point, he always loves you for you and if someone's dares call you fat, they will get the worse trap in the history of the saw franchise

-He loves you in skinny jeans
Will sneak through the walls just to see you get dressed 🤤💯
He'll come give you tummy rubs anytime

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