Your Honey Moon

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-A nice getaway on the island in Porto Rico. (Twilight Reference 😂)
- "Michael no this is too much!How did you buy this?"
-As soon as you guys arrive he picks you up and immediately throws you on the bed.
-Brings condoms( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-A nice calming beach with the sunset and some wine.
-"Its so beautiful."
-"Anything for my lovely wife."
-After some wine you drunk lovers go for a swim.
-"Freddy that's not possible."

-A picnic in the middle of a sun flower field.
-It started to rain, making Leathy sad to see his hard work go to waste.
-"No it's still perfect! It's ok!"
-While it was raining you made some hot chocolate and watched the rain poor down the window.
-And then you guys played in the rain.

-Nothing means more then a honey moon in Carries house all to yourself.
-She made some Lasagna 👌🔥💯
-"This is so good."
-After y'all finished eating she put in some scary movies and snuggled together uwu

-He killed every employee at the park just so you guys could have it all to yourself's.
-First, since he knows how much you love swings, you guys went to the playground and swung whistle holding each others hands.
-Then you went to the animal exhibit.
-"I don't think you should call an Owl a hoe."
-He got attacked.
-And the final stop, you guys went on a paddle boat and sat in the middle of the lake cuddling.

-He got his mom to take over the hotel while you guys went to a honey moon hotel.
-"How did you afford this?"
-"O-oh I have my ways..." His way of killing the customers and stealing their money
-He made a fort on the bed and dragged you underneath.
-You fell asleep on his lap while he hummed

-I know I'm not being creative but you guys went to the toy factory.
-He made you a doll yet it's face was half burnt.
-He then fucked you on the conveyor belt.
-After you guys got diddaly done fucking he stole a mattress and cuddled you on it,telling you how much he loved you.

-He loves you very much, so since the house is all to himself he put a path of rose petals to his parents bedroom.On the bed was a heart made with petals.
-After you got home from the market you followed the rose petals and candles.
-Brahms was sitting on the bed with no shirt and his pants unbuckled.
-"Oh..Brahms i love it!"
-You guys fucked end of story 😂

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