Day 3 : A New Someone

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Day 3

After 2 days

I have finally arived in France but i saw alot of people injured by my window trying to escape France...

I left the train with all my stuff and walked around to find someone who can help me or someone who is my friend or former so i can get someone to accompany in this world and possibly survive




While walking around,I saw someone like 2 people in a date i think

I went closer and saw him there with a girl but i saw her get demolished by a debris thrown by a tornado and made a huge hole on the ground with her body...

He tried to help her but it was useless...

Theres nothing else to do with her since she died by a huge debris thrown from the sky by a gigantic tornado far away...

I tried to convince him to stop trying to help her that she is already gone

He resisted and still pushed him self to remove the huge debris,it looked like a tower's debris

I conforted him and he actually calm down and we had a talk...

But an earthquake bothered our conversation and he pulled me into a Military-like house full of barricades and metal around...

We went in and introduced him self...

"Hey,My name is Mark,Mark reid,and the one that died was my girlfriend actually,we were having a date... I didn't know there was a disaster feast and good thing i planned to build this house full of armor and we need to move somewhere else and leave this place... Actually,do you have money or a underground train ticket?" Said by Mark Reid as he was walking in circles trying to think what to do next ...

"Yeah,i can buy tons and i will ask you,whats the name of the girl?"

I was confused and wanted to ask alot pf questions from him...

"Her? Her name is Samantha Lee,She is 19 years old and she has been a Valedictorian twice,Elementary and Highschool... So she is intellegent and also a volleyball player but not as good as a Pro." Said by Mark

"I was just asking her name...."

Then i took a peek outside if there is still danger or safe to go out...

"Hey Mark,Follow me,I will buy a ticket and what is the destination?"

"To Toronto!" Said by Mark

"Mark,we can't go there... Thats a place in Canada and Canada is infected by zombies... It would be too risky"

Mark was standing trying to think where to go

"To Japan!"

"Maark,We can't go to any asian countries because there's no train to go there and planes doesn't work..."

"To.... California ...." Mark whispered


"Do you have the money for it?"

"Um... how much is it?" Asked by Mark

"Hm.... about $30000 or £19000"

"That's alot!!! I have £9000 here with me..." Said by Mark

"How did you get £9000 with you?"

"Got it from some dead guys...."

"Soooo you looted them? You serious??"

"Yeaaa.... i needed money anyways"

"Well we need to make my $ to £ so we can go to California"

"Sure, i know a place from here" said by Mark...

Mark pulled me and ran to the place...

"Well here it is... it's pretty small but we can enchange some"

"We can also steal stuff there if you want to" mark whispered

"Um... can you?" I Asked

"Yea i did 2 years ago before this sh*t happened" Mark Said

"You don't need to cuss it out.... well try it then"

"Hold my bag for me" Mark said then gave me his bag...

Mark ran to the back of the shop while i check the things in his bag...

"Theres a flashlight... Amulet... Keychain... Money... Swiss Knife... Phone... Books... Passport... Bottle... Laptop... Empty Lunchbox... that's alot of stuff in there..."

I closed the zipper of Mark's bag

I checked on the place of where Mark went...

"Mark!! What are you doing?!"

"Shhhh!!! I'm trying to take money from em...."

"Ok... Well do it quickly before you get caught"

"Ok Got it... just got £10000 now let's buy that ticket" Mark said

"Umm... also get £19000 cause £19000 is only one ticket...."

"Sure man..." Mark Whispered while trying to steal more money...

"Got it"

"Good now let's buy those tickets"

We ran to the station and bought the tickets

"Why is it cost so much? It's just some underground train anyways..." Mark Asked

"Well it takes time go there plus it's worth it because there's a charging station,your own room,free wi-fi per room,a mini restaurant which is pay once and you can eat all you but it is like $6000 or £3575"

"That's why.... Well let us sit on that bench over there..."

"Sure,according to that board,the should arrive in 11:00 and right now it's 10:39 so it wouldn't take too long before it arrives"

After waiting for 21 minutes... The train finally arrived....

Me and Mark found our rooms and i charged my phone and slept


[A/N] I'm sorryy for any grammar fails and taking too long to publish this chapter i can't really focus on making this story but i don't want to abandon it anyways sooo that's all so yeah

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