Realization and a wise man

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Nobody's POV

"Time to clear this one hell of a mess up. Ready? No? I don't freaking care." Suga claps his hands and ignores poor Taehyung's scared state.

"I'll tell you this one time," Jungkook begins. Suga smirks and leans deeper into the couch, almost wanting Jungkook to test him. Taehyung chokes his tears and leans to whisper something to Namjoon.

"Mmkay." Like little kids, Namjoon whispers what Taehyung said to Namjoon to Hoseok, and eventually to Suga.

"One sec, brat." Jungkook looks deeply offended but brushes it away. Haha nope.

Park Jimin POV

"Hey babe." My heart flutters at the sound of my perfect boyfriend.

"Yes?" I applaud myself for not stuttering.

"Get the bag. It's happening!" He squeals at the very end and I jump up and down, totally ruining my couch.

"Coming! Send me your location." I recieve a text and I grab the bag by my front door and hop into my car, singing loudly the whole way there.

Kim Namjoon POV

"I'm here." A short, breathless man runs into our area.

"Excuse me who are you-" I begin, getting up.


"Jimin! You brought the bag!" Suga jumps to hug him, and I stand there mouth open in shock. They're dating?

"Are you guys dating?" I ask.

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, but yeah we are." Forgot to tell me?!

"Okay, weird to forget but I support the relstionship." I smile, feeling like a wise, important man approving things.

"Ha. You have no choice." There goes that feeling. Suga laces his hands with Jimin and they sit down.

"Oh I'm Park Jimin by the way." He bows and I smile lightly.

"I'm Kim Namjoon." He laughs, and tries to cover it up. He fails.

"I know. It just feels so cool that you're introducing yourself to me. Like, what?" I chuckle at his comment.


Nobody's POV

The tension was to thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"Ahem. Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung today is the day where-"

"Are we in freaking court, Namjoon  hyung?" Jungkook takes a sip of his tea.

"One, let me have this, and two why does everyone interrupt me?"

"Wait!" Jimin pulls Suga outside and Jungkook scoffs for the 100th time that day.

"I swear if they make out I'm going to jump off a cliff-" Jungkook shakes his head.

"Stop. Don't talk like that." Taehyung speaks with his head down.

"What do you mean, bitc-"

"STOP!" Namjoon slaps his hand over the younger's mouth.


"That's what you deserve." Hoseok sternly says, and Jungkook feels that deeply.

"No. He deserves all the happiness in the world. He deserves all the 7 wonders of the world. He deserves all the riches Earth can offer. All the success that comes his way. He deserves no pain. He deserves it all. Jeon Jungkook deserves it all." Taehyung states, and Namjoon and Hoseok tear up at the angelic boy. Jin who is now in the doorway cries into Jimin's shoulder. After all Jungkook put Taehyung under, Taehyung still loves him. After all that.

"Oh my God." Jungkook grabs Taehyung's wrist.

"No! Please spare me. Don't hurt me. I know you don't like me. Please." Taehyung begs, ripping his hand away from Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook POV

My eyes wake up. What have I done?

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