Part 13 [ Snapped ]

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She went to papyrus' house to see if he knew where sans was. Papyrus said he went to the castle. Toriels heart pounded and she ran. She was out of breath by the time she had arrived. She saw sans on the floor passed out. She picked him up worried and took him home. She set him in her bed and called papyrus. He arrived immediately extremely worried for him. Toriel reassured him that sans was going to be ok. She let papyrus sleep in asgores guest room... She knew who hurt sans and walked back to the castle. She burst open the door and stared at asgore in hatred. "T-toriel what are you doing h-" Toriel slapped him as hard as she could. He fell onto the ground in shock. " why....why did you hurt him you stupid pathetic whelp!!" She screamed. Asgore looked taken aback by this and was at a loss for words. She wanted to scream at him for everything he had done. Instead she fell to the floor crying. Asgore didnt know what to do, if he were to comfort her, she would hurt him. He sat in silence until she got up and walked out. He didnt follow for now.
He got up and sat in his throne begining to plan how he could make toriel hate sans.

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