the beginning

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No two teenagers are alike, but there are some common reasons they consider suicide.

Many teens who attempt suicide do so during a crisis in reaction to some conflict with peers or parents.

Such conflicts are common among teens, but those who attempt suicide are particularly reactive to them because they:

Have a long-standing history of problems at home or school

Suffer from low self-esteem

Believe no one cares

Are depressed

Abuse alcohol or drugs

Have experienced other stressful events, such as an unwanted pregnancy, trouble with the law, or not meeting high parental expectations.

My dear friend Lucy had many of these signs and her parents nor her friends didn't know the signs. My older sister had an unwanted pregnancy and she too committed suicide. This is why I'm starting this to help  people not commit this unbelievable act. You can send me a personal message and I will help you through things. I can just be there as a friend. Don't think anyone doesn't care because my friends I care about you. No I don't know you but I do care. Thank you for reading and if you have any ideas or things you want to talk about let me know.

Please don't take your
precious life out of this world you do have a meaning here and people do care.

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