The Death of a Family

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The next night after the show, word got out that Smile had gotten taken to the the infirmary. According to the doctor Smile had an asthma attack, which was not suprising from someone of his size. But what caused an alarm amongst the main teir performers was a snake telling us that Smile was snooping around our tents. Though (y/n) was busy helping Doll with the ice at the time, he soon found out about it from Joker.

According to one of Snake's snakes, Smile was found right outside the Main Teir tents. And Doll had been the one to help Smile get away. Because of this Joker had to make his way back to Father's estate, to inform him that Smile and Black maybe with Scotland Yard. In the end (y/n) had to put on a smile and act like he had suspected nothing. Though it hadn't occurred to him sooner, there was something odd about Black. How could a former butler preform stunts like he has? Black seemed non-human.

The next day at around nightfall (y/n) had found out that both Black and Smile and Suit had disappeared, leaving little to no trace. Not even a messy bed in the infirmary. Normal officers wouldn't be so neat, even so Black used to be a butler neatness is their thing. But at this time Joker had done left for Father's estate.

The rest of the Main Teir performers, with the exception of Snake, had gathered in the Main tent. It was closing to time that we capture our last target and get away from London as soon as possible. After cooling down an argument and deciding what to do, we set out for bed. Doll was on her way after Joker, come the next day the rest of us would head after our last target: a nobleman named Ciel Phantomhive.

Come nightfall the next day, the Troop had set out. Jumbo, Peter, Wendy, Beast, Dagger, and (y/n) had made their way to the Phantomhive estate.

A big mansion with light brown walls and a blue roof, surrounded by tons of trees and yard as far as the eye can see

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A big mansion with light brown walls and a blue roof, surrounded by tons of trees and yard as far as the eye can see. If the target was inside (y/n) doubted a group of butlers could stop them. Though from the looks of it, it seemed empty. No lights, no motion, Hell not even a servant in sight.

The group had managed to get over the wall easily, splitting up to cover more ground. Beast and Dagger made their way to the inside of the manor. Wendy, Peter and Jumbo made their way towards the back entrance. As for (y/n), he made his into the front. But soon after finally getting inside, there was a loud crash from the front of the manor.

'Jumbo must be getting rid of some servants' (y/n) thought as he silently made his way through the manor. Quietly checking each and every room, until running into an old butler clad in black. He was standing in (y/n)'s way, right in the middle of the hallway. Soon seconds passed, then the gun fire came. 'It has to be the servants, no one but me is carrying a firearm' (y/n) thought.

"My apologies, but I cannot let you proceed" the butler said "my lady is sleeping just ahead, so please do be quite"

"...get out of my way old man," (y/n) said reaching into his coat and pulling out a silver revolver.

"I cannot, you do not have the upper hand here" the butler said "by now I would state that three out of the six of you are already dead"

As if on que, Peter came crashing through the window. The lifeless corpse with a bullet hole on either side of his head. (Y/n) stepped back in horror as he starred at the blonde corpse that was his friend, now a blood stain on the floor before him.

The butler stepped into the room next to him and began talking to some girl inside. Before closing the door and turning back towards (y/n). (Y/n)'s eye were watery, a mixture of rage and sadness.

"You...bastards, you killed them" (y/n) said.

Aiming his gun towards the butler, (y/n) couldn't even get a shot in. The butler had moved in close, taking his left hand and placing his index finger between the gun's frame and the trigger. Then moving his right hand around (y/n)'s neck and slamming him into the wall.

The blow caused his vision to go blurry, the butler now had (y/n)'s gun. The barrel was aimed square at (y/n)'s head. An entire round of bullets for the butler's use. (Y/n) looked up at the butler, glaring at him.

"If you're going to kill me then pull the trigger..." (Y/n) said "I would rather die with my family than live knowing I couldn't help them"

Out of the window (y/n) spotted an explosion, a blinding flash of light. Which also caught the butler's attention as well. (Y/n) grabbed the barrel pushing it away from his head and pushing the butler away heading towards the window. Managing to get it open before feeling a sharp pain through his lower leg. Letting out a muffled scream as the bullet entered his leg.

(Y/n) managed to turn, leaning against the window frame. There was a maid with glasses, a short gardener and a cheif standing beside the old butler.

"I knew there was a lot of ya but I didn't expect a teen to get past us," said the cheif "sorry kid but the young master will be right mad if we leave ya alive"

The butler picked up the revolver once again, five shots left for his disposal. A pillow in his free hand, he slowly approuched me with a sickening smile on his face. Placing the pillow against (y/n)'s chest, followed by the revolver against the pillow. The pillow muffled the gun, but did not stop the pain. The bullet entered (y/n)'s chest, breaking his rib cage and peircing his lungs. His eyes widened and his vision became blurry, followed by his weightless body falling out the window.

(Y/n) saw something fly out of his chest, it wasn't blood. It was film flying out of his chest, film showing everything that happened about his life. The last thing he saw was an image of himself and the rest of his family, sitting in the alley, the same day they had became a family. And then (y/n) took his last breath, letting his corpse hit the ground.

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