Chapter 4

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Kids where everywhere. I looked up at Lily and saw we had one thing in common. The largest smiles in the world. The walls were trampolines, the floors were trampolines, heck even the roof was a trampoline. This was going to be the best day ever!

Grabbing Lily's hand, we raced to the first section - a long run way which then gives way to a HUGE foam pit. Still holding hands we ran off it together and jumped in. God, this foam was hard as shit to get out of. I felt like I was clawing my way up and making it nowhere.Eventually though I got outand came face to face with a very worried and mad Killian.

"Alyssa, you need to be more careful" he scolded. "You can't just run around and jump in to stuff like that I was so worried I thought you were going to die, oh my god Lys babe your to young to be worrying me like this and I'm to young to be worried like this." He sighed.

You gotta be shitting me.

"Lian, I'm fine ,  stop worrying" I sighed as I hugged him.

"Goodness me bro,  your so worried sometimes let a girl live a little. "

He just laughed and nodded me off,  and finally I got to have a little girl time with Lily. After Danny made that deal of me and Lily going anywhere we wanted on the weekend we decided to go to the trampoline park, though only Killian and Ronan could take us,  Leo was studying for school or something silly like that and Danny said he had to meet someone he had promised to meet and forgotten about. So fast it was pretty fun though,  apart from Killian being an overprotective pain in my ass. It was good.  Roro was hitting on other girls and Killian was watching us like a halk.

After a little bit we went to get something to eat we returned to the trampolines and thought I saw someone familiar.  Damien?
I walked go-to him in hopes to start a conversation,

"Damien?" I called out.

"Who's that? " Lily asked. 

"Oh,  this boy I meet at Lian's game a couple of days ago" I responded and before she could say anything more I saw him turn around and spotted his pretty green eyes again.

"Alyssa?" He called back.

"Hey dude,  what are you doing here?, hey Damien,  went haven't I seen you before,  like at school or something?" I asked

"Well I  not from around here I'm actually staying at my cousins house fora few days" he smiles back.

"Oh,  when do you le-" That's when I heard it. Our him,  havent decided which one yet. 

"Alyssa Grace DiViao, that better not be a boy I see you talking to"  I hard Killian tell and saw Ronan whip his head. Turning to Damien I smiled and mother goodbye as I ran off with Lily in to the playgrounds. 


After half an hour running away from my brothers we finally stopped and surrendered.  And  u was wait n to get yelled at and had the death threats they have created for Damien, there so stupid sometimes,  I mean come on I'm 6, I'm not going to do anything,  we'rejust friends and he probably had cooties anyways. 

" Alyssa, what have we told you about boys" Killian seethed as Ronan stupid there arms crossed supporting him.  ""No boyfriends till you're 35" he said triumphantly. 

I rolled my eyes.  "No" I responded simply.

"What do you mean no? " Killian said gritting his teeth.

""I'm getting a boyfriend when I turn 16" I said simply.

They both laughed and I knew that this want funny to them so they were being sarcastic weirdos again.

"Baby,  you just moved it up a few years,  no dating till your 40" they smirked.

"Huh, sure watch me get a smoking hot boyfriend the day I turn 16" I mumbled out.

" what was that" they asked,  and I simply replied with a shoulder shrug as I followed them out to the car. 


Getting home after dropping Lily of I realised something- the house was clean, which was a first. Walking into the kitchen I noticed Danny was nervous, which was a first, because I never saw him this way. He looked down at me and took a breath in.

"Alyssa, Baby, I want you to know that you'll always be the number one girl in my life, but today I want to introduce you to another girl, that I believe will become very special in my life, if you think she is nice, because your opinion really matters to me"  He smiled sweetly.

"Is this where a get a big sister? another girl in the house would be great" I smiled back, and I think he liked that answer because he picked me up and twirled me around.

"Okay now Go get dressed in something nice, and call me if you need help." He yelled as I started to make my way upstairs.

Walking into my bedroom, I thought that today, well tonight, would be a great time for me to wear that really pretty dress Lian bought me when he tried to convince me to go to school. Finding It I slip the pink dress on with a pretty denim jacket and a cute pair of shoes. I ran to Lian's because despite how macho and douchey he seems, he can do my hair nicely.

"Hey, Liannnnnn" I smile sweetly, " can you pwease do my hair for me" nodding he pulled me up on his lap and started to brush my hair. It felt nice, my mummy used to do this for me, and I remember she taught Killian how to brush my hair because he always wanted to help me. I miss her so much sometimes, I wish the angels didn't need her help so much and had to take her to heaven.


After Killian had done my hair Danny had called us all down stairs, as his friend was here. So as Killian walked down the stairs with me attached to hips I  couldn't help but felt nervous, Danny said my opinion really mattered to him. So I hope she was really nice, maybe she would want to be play babies with me later.

Reaching the door I'm met with a blonde mop of hair and a skinny girl attached to Danny's hips, she looked like my barbies. She was also wearing a pink dress, we were matching.

I realised all of my brothers where here now ready to meet her.

"Guys, this is Natalie, my Girlfriend." Danny started. Ohhhh a girlfriend, finally, he needed one of those.

"Natalie, these are my younger brothers, Leonardo, killian and Ronan, and finally my precious baby sister Alyssa" he introduced.

"Hi" she said as she shakes everyones hands. Though something about her smile wasn't right. Killian out me down and she bent down.

"Hi Alyssa" she cooed, yuck, I hate baby voices. "I'm Natalie, nice      to      meet     you" she said slowly.

At this point, she was pissing me off, she seemed to fake, plus my brothers weren't listening so I could get away with a bit of attitude.

"Hello Natalie, just to make sure you do know, I'm not 3, I'm not from another country, or stupid so you can talk to me normaly" I retorted.

"Alright you little brat wanna play it sassy, huh, look I don't really care about you or your brother, but he likes me so, as long as everything goes to plan I should be ,saving his bank accounts dry after I'm finished with him" she whispers.

"Yeah, we'll see about that bitch." I scoffed and walked away to be picked up by Danny.

Oh this is gonna be fun, Lindsy Lohan watch out, after I'm through with her your pranks are going to be deemed nothing compared to mine. Get ready Natalie, your in for it.

korearuinedmylife idea for a storyline for this and the next chapter
I had been thinking about righting a storyline about a bitch girlfriend of Danny's and korearuinedmylife request made me actually put it in so enjoy.

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