Tortuous Love (GikwangxMyungSoo)

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Myungsoo gulped.

He was ..... perfection.

The way he danced, the way he sang.


"Eyyy, they're good, right Hyung?" SungJong asked, popping out of nowhere.

"Ehh? Oh, yeah ...." I mumbled.

"But we're better!" DongWoo hyung yelled.

"YAHH! Don't be so disrespectful to them!" SungGyu scolded.

I just chuckled.

Their song finally finished, and B2ST came off.

They saw a group of boys lounging around.

Gikwang smiled at one of them, taking in the boy's perfection.

"Good job!" WooHyun congratulated them as they drank their bottles of water.

"Thanks. Say, aren't you guys Infinite?" One of them asked.

"Yes, we're going on stage soon, but we just wanted to see our competition!" DongWoo exclaimed.

"Ahh, araso! Say, is that your coordi noona coming down the corridor?" Hyungseung questioned.

All of Infinite turned their heads, to come face-to-face with their evil coordi noona.

"Ahhh, noona........we can explain....." Hoya stammered, scratching his nape.


She shooed them away to get ready.

B2ST chuckled lightly, whilst Gikwang stared in awe at the boy from earlier.

"Hona ne mamkkaji jobeun gonanya

Naw sarangi igyo"  MyungSoo sang.

Gikwang stood by the side, watching him.

When Infinite finished, they got an amazing reaction.

Gikwang started whooping and Myungsoo looked back at him.

Gikwang started to blush, while Myungsoo smiled at him.

Myungsoo's heart fluttered when he smiled back at him.

"Hyung, I'm going to leave to get some air" Gikwang announced.

They all mumbled back a "nehh".

Gikwang went out and found a balcony.

He stood on the edge, holding onto the railing.

He was enjoying the view when ......

"It's beautiful." A voice said.

Gikwang spun around to meet ....... my ex girlfriend HyoSung.

"Oppa, how've you been?" She asked cutely.

She stood beside him, staring at the view.

After a few minutes, she started to shiver.

Gikwang immediately took note of her sleeveless dress and gave her his jacket.

"Gomowa oppa." She whispered.

He just nodded, checking his watch.

Noting that he'd been out there for nearly 30 minutes, he turned to leave.

Suddenly, Hyosung grabbed his wrist.

"I missed you oppa." She whispered, then hugged his side.

Gikwang stood frozen.

Then, the sound of a cup shattering could be heard.

Hyosung and Gikwang lifted their heads, to be met with a shocked MyungSoo.

"Myungsoo-ah." Gikwang called.

Too late.

Myungsoo took off running, Gikwang trailing after him.

Hyosung just stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Myungsoo-ahhh!" Gikwang kept calling to him.

Gikwang reached out and held onto his wrist.

Myungsoo stopped running and turned around.

"Let. Go." He snarled.

Myungsoo felt like breaking down, seeing Gikwang like that.

But he knew Gikwang had a girlfriend.

Every guy who looked like Gikwang would have one.

"No." Gikwang argued.

He was never going to let a guy like Myungsoo slip through his fingers.

Gikwang grabbed Myungsoo and pulled him into a hug.

Myungsoo, shocked by the sudden embrace tried breaking out of it, but failed.

He soon stopped, and started to enjoy Gikwangs warmth.

"I'm never going to let you go, Kim MyungSoo." He confessed.

Myungsoo, shocked by the new confession lifted his head up in confusion.

Gikwang slowly leaned in, taking in Myungsoo's smell.

Myungsoo couldn't move.

He also started to lean in aswell.

Their lips met, and molded into one.

Gikwang's hand found it's way into Myungsoo's hair, ruffling it up.

Myungsoo enjoyed Gikwang's soft tugs on his hair.

So much so, his hand started to trail up Gikwang's chest.

"Woah, may wanna save that for later." Gikwang chuckled, as he pulled away.

Myungsoo pouted, making Gikwang give him a quick peck.

Myungsoo's mood instantly brightened.

Gikwang winked at him, as their hands laced together.

"I love you, Kim Myungsoo." Gikwang murmured in Myungsoo's ear, as he kissed Myungsoo's temple.

"I love you too, Lee Gikwang." Myungsoo replied.

They walked away together, ready to face the world as one.

A/N : Omgg, sorry it took me a while!

I don't really like this one shot, but I wanted to update something for you guys!

Mianhae, I didn't do aswell as I thought I would TT^TT

Thank you to @GikwangMyungsooEnna for her contribuition.

Next is an EXO one shot.

Oh yeah, be excited kekeke


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