Coffee Chocolate (LuHannie EXO One Shot)

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"Yahh! Can you guys believe it?! It's already our showcase!!" Chen shouted, pacing around EXO's dorm living room.

"Pabo, we still have like 9 hours left!" Kyungsoo scoled, like an "umma".

"Well, sorry (!)" Chen retorted.

LuHan chuckled to himself, spinning round the rubix cube.

"Hyung! Can I spin it around for you?" Sehun asked, doing his adorable aegyo.

"Go on then." LuHan smiled at him, handing the rubix cube over.

Tao came over and started directing Sehun where to spin it.

After five minutes of turning the rubix cube, the two maknaes thought they had the hardest combination ever.

"Here you go hyung!" Sehun cheerfully handed back the rubix cube.

"SuHo hyung! Can you time LuHan, pwease?" Tao asked, doing his own aegyo.

"Araso, araso, no need to go all aegyo on me!" SuHo agreed, getting his phone ready.

"Hana, dur, set!" Chanyeol shouted.

LuHan turned the cube, mis matching the colours.

The rest of EXO crowded round, interested in how LuHan's nimble fingers worked.

"DONE!" LuHan announced loudly.

All of EXO cheered.

"1 minute, 3 seconds!" SuHo called out.

EXO interrogated LuHan on how he finished it.

Suddenly, their manager walked in.

"Ahh, hyung!" XiuMin welcomed.

"Annyeong! Is everyone ready?" Their manager greeted.

"Nehh!" Everyone answered.

"Araso, lets go then!" Manager ordered.

They all piled into the van, and set off.

When they arrived, they were ushered into a large dressing room, full of pretty noonas and a few boys.

"Meet your stylists guys," The manager smiled, "Kai, you will have Ni Ra noona, SuHo with Yoona noona, Xiumin's with Da Eun, LuHan with Mi Sun...."

The manager repeated all of the information and told them the rules.

"Remember, don't mess around. This is your showcase, we don't want to ruin it!" The manager reminded them.

"Nehh!" EXO replied.

Xiu Min went off with his stylist, making her blush within ten seconds.

Everyone all went to their respected areas

"Annyeong! My name is Mi Sun, I hope to enjoy working with you!" A girl smiled brightly at LuHan.

"Annyeong Mi Sun!" Luhan greeted.

LuHan chatted to her when she applied the make up.

He noted the way her hair was tied up in a loose and messy bun, yet her bangs were still let down above her eyes;

The way her gray sweater reached her thigh;

The way her leggings had cute lil smiley faces;

The way her nose crinkled when she laughed.

He was slowly beginning to find her pretty? No, scratch that, she was beautiful.

To him.

"Here, wear this!"

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