Enter Sinka

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"Wow." I commented as I stood in front of the entrance of Fx academy. The place was gigantic, I can feel my jaw dropping as I stared into the marvelous wonder of the academy.

"Yupi!" I turned around to the direction of the voice that called my name, Vienny was running wearing the same uniform as me while waving her hand.

"Vienny! Great to see you!"

"Great to see you too! I see you made a choice." She says while pointing at my uniform.

"I couldn't miss this opportunity on becoming a superhero." I said while twisting my hair.

"A superhero? That's quite an ambition you got."

"Well, who knows? I might change it afterwards, nobody knows." Then a voice called both of us.

"You two must be the new students here. I'm Shania Junianatha, I'll be your guide to your rooms." She had medium length black hair and was really beautiful. Wearing her formal clothes, I'm pretty sure any man would be mesmerized by her.

"Nice to meet you Shania." I said casually.

"What's with the formality? People call me Shanju, so you should too."

"Alright then, nice to meet you Shanju." Said Vienny. We both then followed her as she explained about the academy. The academy consists of 10 stories. The first to the fourth levels are classrooms and labs. Fifth to sixth are rooms of each student. Seventh to tenth are other facilities such as the library, equipment room etc. and the headmistresses office.

We are now at the fifth floor, in front of room doors. Seems like the rooms for the ones who aren't students yet are in in the far end of the fifth floor's corridor.

My room is three doors away from Vienny, so that means I can see her anytime since we're near.

The room was bigger than the one I had before enrolling. It had a single bed, a table with two chairs, a fridge along with counters joined with a sink and a door to the bathroom that was located beside the first step after entering the room door.

"This will be your room, here are your keys." Shanju pulled out her hand revealing a key chained to an accessory that read 542, meaning my room number.

"Thanks Shanju."

"Also, classes don't start until tomorrow, so try exploring around the school if you want." She then opened the exit, "If you need anything else, I am always open. Goodbye." Leaving me with my suitcase.

I set it down and took out a white tank with a blue skirt, leading to the point where I wear them. I decided to dash outside and explore this whole new world.

There were many other girls, casually talking to one another, demonstrating powers and even reading books. I'm not that much of a sociable person, I'm quite shy, so I wait for a person to approach me and engage in conversation with me. I wish Vienny was here, the awkwardness is getting to me in lightning speed.

"Well, if I had anywhere I could go, I'll just go to the library and find out more about this place." I thought to myself. I went to the elevator and saw the map beside it, the library was at the eighth floor. I entered it and went to the eighth floor. The library was filled with bookshelves everywhere, it was stacked with quite the amount of books and all that.

I start to get confused on what to take and read. In my confusion, I bumped to someone, causing me to fall.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" She asked while offering me her hand. I accepted it and was helped on standing up. Her hair was short with the color of jet black and she had some chubby cheeks. She held a book locked in her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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