Some Things Are Better Left Unknown... But Which Things??

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“How did the transition go with the master’s wife?” I asked looking around the crowd to see if anyone was trying to listen into our conversation.

“She’s well and has now completed the transition, but for obvious reasons he is not disclosing the location of her until it is certain that she is not a target.” I was happy for them because it had all gone well and at the end of the day I couldn’t begrudge them because they were Rose’s parents, but that news wasn’t what I was asking for.

“When am I allowed to tell MY bride that I didn’t leave her without reason to?” The blonde, who had made herself known as an informant of my master by signaling me moments ago, then winked at me and sauntered slightly closer than I was now comfortable with. Before Rose, she could have sauntered as close as she wanted and I’d have probably even enjoyed this bit of fluff, but Rose had ruined ever other girl for me because no matter what, none of them were her.

I pushed her away slightly and pouted up at me. “How am I meant to send the message of your wishes to the master if you don’t give me motivation to do so?” She licked her lips in an sultry manner but instead of enticing me, it repulsed me and I’d had enough of this little game.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me so only she could hear what I was about to say. That was when I felt her hand on my crotch. “So you like to play do you?” She asked in a husky whisper before I pulled her hand away from my crotch, which only got stirred anymore by Rose or mere thoughts of her, and glared down at the vampire in annoyance.

“I will never play with you and the reason why you’ll take my message to my master is because you are just the messenger girl, nothing more and nothing less. You soon proved that when you tried to sleep with me knowing that I have a bride you disgusting creature.” I hissed and pushed her far away from me before turning around to leave.

“Well then you message might conveniently get lost in transition.” She sneered but the next instance I was in front of her with a look of thunder on my face. 

“No one gets between me and my bride in any circumstance and trust me, if you interfere with this you will  live to regret it because I WILL tell the master how you wanted me to cheat on my bride with you.” I spat the word you like it was a vile word in my mouth.

“Ha! Why would the master care if you cheated on your bride? It’s not like the bride is his responsibility-” She trailed off at my condescending look and started to look slightly afraid.

“My bride is his daughter. His ONLY daughter who is PREGNANT with MY baby, and you want me to cheat on her? How do you think my master will take that when I tell him personally as I deliver the message that was lost in transition?” She sputtered a bit so I filled in the remaining blanks for her. “You were not turned by him, only recruited by him when he killed your master. You are young in vampire years at only fifty and wouldn’t stand a chance against a master or me so, before you offend a lot of people, run along and relay my message.” She was off in a shot. The problem with younger vampires is that they think they are suddenly invincible and can take on anyone... But there are much bigger fish in the sea.

I shook that thought away and turned to look for Rose where I’d left her but couldn’t see her or Dimka anywhere which had me frowning. Where was she? I was at the doorway to the bar in another minute and found her scent getting further away and that was when I noticed my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out and noticed I had a new message from Dimka.


‘She’s mad’? Mad as in angry or just lost the plot. Probably both if she’s gone off with a practical stranger - to her anyway - on his motorbike while pregnant! She is in so much trouble when I find her!

Arranged Marriage To An Egotistic Vampire... But Which One?? (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now