The Heart Stopping Moment...

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“That’s all I get when I come back for you and my baby? A simple hello?” His anger spiked my own and my temper upped to match his.

“What were you expecting? A hug? You wouldn’t have needed a simple hello had you not run off again so don’t even try for the sympathy card here husband. Oh and the vows “till death do us part don’t mean that when you think I died during child birth, you can just run off and leave your child behind!” It was all coming out now and instead of being scared by it I was actually looking forward to it... except for the missing child part, that part I was still scared of.

“How did you know I know that?”

“Dimka told me you’d stopped by while I was unconscious and left again. Very gentlemanly of you that I must admit. I don’t know why I ever married you.” I did but I just wanted him to hurt as much as I was hurting right now.

“Then why do you still wear the ring?” His tone had turned soft and gentle as he looked down at the ring I was unconsciously clutching in my hand to give me the strength I needed for this conversation. I wanted to take it off and hurl it in his beautiful face but I couldn’t part with the ring and I certainly didn’t ever want to. “Rose-”

I couldn’t handle his pity over leaving me behind because if that was his choice then I didn’t want him feeling obliged to stay here because of the ring so the truth burst out, “Amber’s been kidnapped.” I looked away as soon as I saw the anger back in his eyes and I even took a step back because even though I was stronger than most, I was still weak from child birth and James was a lot stronger than I was on a normal day.

“Where. Is. My. Daughter?” Each word was punctuated by a step in my direction which was followed by my corresponding step back until I walked right back into a wall. Why was he acting as if I was to blame for her disappearance? I didn’t kidnap my own child and I was more distressed than him because I hadn’t even got to hold her yet before this happened.

“You cost me my mother and when I may have lost my daughter as well you’re acting like the victim? I was unconscious when this happened having died several times when you were off running about no doubt forgetting all about me and my child!” He placed his hands at either side of my head on the wall behind me and moved closer so that his body was trapping mine there, making me crave him when all I wanted to do was be mad at him.

“I knew you blamed me for that you know. That’s why I went away because you needed space to calm down.”

“You missed the birth of your child to go around giving me space. Tell me, while I was dead how many women were there?” The question popped out of no where but I guess that now was the time to ask it.

He pushed himself from the wall and the absence of his body made me feel cold but it was the sigh and running his hand through his hair that made me the coldest. “How many women while I was there having our baby James?”

“NONE!” He roared and punched the wall just above where I’d done so earlier making it crumble even more. “Why can’t you understand that there will only ever be you for me Rose? Why is that idea so incomprehensible for you? I have never met a woman that I desired more than you and I certainly haven’t met one that I could possibly love more,” he stepped towards me again, “and you want to know where I was when our baby was born? Right by your side, holding your hand, watching you in pain and even feeling parts of what you were going through. I watched Amber being born and I was the first one to truly hold our daughter while sitting next to you looking more lovely than I had ever seen you. I sat there thinking that I couldn’t possibly love you anymore than I already did but then you gave me the thing I thought I’d never have: A family of mine own with an amazing and beautiful wife and my own baby girl.” My heart clenched at the image he provided and I started walking towards him before he held a hand out to stop me.

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