Chapter 18 - Going Under.

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As the door closed behind her, all Carson wanted to do was scream at the top of her lungs, punch something, breakdown the walls, anything that would make the huge fire in her chest cease once and for all.

Slumping down on the bed, she looked up at Caleb, who was trying his best to get the door open.

"Dad?" He called, his voice slightly panicked. "Dad!"


"Caleb," the girl said, gaining both Caleb's and Bradley's attention.

"It's locked. Calling out for him isn't going to help."

Bradley got up from his place next to her, getting about a meter away from the door before ramming into it. He tried again and again, each hit harder than the last, until he finally had enough and stared kicking the bed out of anger and frustration. This was insane.

"Let me try," Carson said, making his kicking cease.

She got up, steadily walking to the door and taking her hands out of her hoodie's pocket. The blonde kneeled in front of the door, bringing her small hands to the lock.

"What are you doing?" Caleb's voice rung through the room, but Carson ignored him, instead getting up and heading towards the bed whose mattress had been stored away somewhere.

Inspecting the springs of the bed, she carefully, gently, ripped one out.

Heading back to the door, Carson started bending the spring so that one of the sharp ends was facing forwards, and, to Bradley, the girl looked like she was ready to stab someone's eye out. Knowing her, she easily could.

Kneeling in front of the door again, she grabbed her coat from its place on the floor, taking the hooded part and flattening it out before slipping it under the door, letting the beige peek on the other side.

The two boys looked carefully as the girl slowly inserted the spring into the keyhole, twisting it around a bit.

Bradley found himself staring at her as she bit her lip in concentration, her eyes completely focused on the lock.

After what felt like minutes, there was a light thump from outside the door, and Carson frowned as she grabbed her coat, slipping it back inside the room, the key neatly sitting on the hood.

Caleb's eyes widened.

"How did you do that?" He asked as the girl got off the floor, looking at him.

"Are you two actually surprised that I can pick locks?"

The two looked at each other holding different expressions.

Caleb was amazed, looking as if he'd just seen snow falling in August, whereas Bradley looked impressed as he studied the blonde, not really knowing what to say.

Carson put the key in the lock and twisted the doorknob, pushing it. The door didn't budge.

"Son of a–" she trailed off, throwing the key to the floor and sending a punch to the door.

"Why won't it open?" Caleb asked, panic rising up his throat yet again.

"He knows I can pick locks. Of course he knows, that's why the mattress is missing. He must've placed it on the other side of the door along with god knows what and he knows. He fucking knows I– UGH!"

The more she spoke, the more her tone grew louder and frustration seeped into her voice, making her punch the door again before leaning her back against it, slowly getting to the floor with her knees to her chest.

There was a minute of silence before one of the boys spoke again.

"Hey," Caleb said, "we could smash the windows."

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