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Everybody has drifted off to sleep in the living room like it was a normal teenage sleepover—well that is except for Val. She didn't drink like the others so she wasn't able to drift off to sleep as fast as they had. Her thoughts were occupied by everything... specifically Tom and Alec.

She stood up from where she sits rather uncomfortably and began to clean up a little bit. She picked up a few bottles of beer and packs of chips and threw them to the trash bin. When she passed by her room, she instantly thought of Alec. He didn't come out of her room after the question at the game. Sighing, she slowly and quietly walked back to her room. With every bit of silence she could make, she opened the door to her room to sneak in.

On her bed was probably an Alec she would've considered a stranger.

His eyes were puffy and his hair was a mess. It looked like he cried himself to sleep. His body was in a fetus position and he held his phone in his hands. Val shook her head and sighed. Who could've made Alec feel this way?

She tried to get his phone out of his hands and he easily let them go but not without his brows furrowing. She placed them on the bed side table and stared at the pitiful situation of her friend. She then grabbed her thick blanket which was all the way down to his feet and covered him with it. When the blanket completely covered his body, his face expression suddenly became better. Val smiled, feeling contented.

Everybody was asleep in the living room so the guest room was not at all taken. Val changed her clothes to something more that did not reek of alcohol in the bathroom.  As she walked out, she suddenly felt this weird feeling that something was staring at her. She picked up her speed and fast-walked to the guest room when a hand landed on her shoulders and she would've let out a quick yelp if it wasn't for that hand spinning her around and covering her mouth with another hand.

"Shh. Don't wake 'em up." He whispers.

"Tom. You fucking scared me, you dick." She whisper-yelled as she lightly hit his chest.

"Why are you up?" She added and continued to walk to the room. She opened the door and let Tom in as well.

"Because you're up." He answered like it was nothing.

"The superstar couldn't sleep at the mattress on the floor?" She joked. Tom sighed. "You know it's not that." She laughed. "Relax. I was just kidding."

"Oh, you said that you wanted to talk to me earlier, do you wanna do that now?" Val asked Tom and she sat on the bed. Tom walked towards her and sat beside her. "Well, to be really honest, I just wanted to be alone with you." He confessed. Val smiled. "Yeah, me too."

Tom wrapped his arms around her and Val put a hand on his arm that was in front of her. "I miss you." He said. Val almost teared up. She caressed his arm in return of his affection. "Yeah, me too."

Tom rested his chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheek. "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." In her mind, she thought that he never lost her. Not even for a minute.

Val chuckled. "This isn't really starting out as friends again, Tom." She joked.

Tom let go of his hug and lowered his head.

"It's because of him, isn't it?" He asked. He began fiddling with his fingers when Val stopped him and held his hands.

"Tom... no." Tom removed his hand from Val's and sighed.

"No. Stop. I agreed to this... this set up. Friends. Okay. You don't have to explain anything." He rambled and held her hands again.

Val smiled. "Aren't you tired? Why don't you get some sleep?" She removed a hand from his and placed a hand on his face. Tom closed his eyes for a moment and melted in her touch.

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