Chapter 4

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        I woke up to my alarm going off, signaling that I needed to get up early to get ready for my birthday. I'm finally 18 and today I get to see who my future husband is! I see many girls in the dorms getting up and wearing cute/fancy dresses or outfits to please their future husband. I smiled and got dressed in my red two-piece dress, and my black flats. I did a simple makeup look and let my hair fall in its natural waves, putting it half up and half down. I smiled at my reflection and heard a small knock on my door, only to be met with Hermione standing there looking sheepish.

"Can you help me get ready? I don't know what to do with my hair and I don't have an outfit." She stated quietly. I jumped out of my seat and dragged her to my wardrobe. I am going to get THE Hermione Granger just a bit out of her comfort zone. I pulled out a Navy Blue spaghetti strap dress with a tied bow at the front and threw it at her.

"You're wearing that, it'll look magnificent and you're future husband will be stunned." I smiled and she nodded, undressing and dressing into the dress. When I saw her in it I have never felt more accomplished in my life. She looks breathtakingly beautiful and whoever is marrying her will be lucky. I sat her down in front of the vanity and and started on her hair, leaving it curly but taming the puffy mess just a bit and pinned a few pieces back. For her makeup I just did a simple look with a bit of shine.

Soon enough we were both done and looking fabulous. Professor McGonagall walked into the room starting to say something but stopped when she took sight of us both. Me, Hermione, and Ginny are usually the only girls who don't dress up. I don't know where Ginny is but I know she's dressing up today because she is hoping to be matched with Harry and wants to look stunning for him.

"My, you girls look beautiful. I've never seen you two so dressed up, are you excited?" She asked and both me and Hermione blushed a deep red.

"Very Professor. I honestly am more nervous than excited. I can't say the same for Melody because she's been jumping up and down." Hermione shyly giggled. I smiled bright and nodded my head, not being able to find words to match my feelings.

"Well I suggest you two lovely ladies get down to the Great Hall because Dumbledore is about to announce who is to be married to who." She gave us a motherly smile and ushered us out the door. We basically ran to the Great Hall and took a seat next to Ron and Hermione. Ron's eyes popped out of his head and Harry blushed a deep red when I gave him a polite smile.

"Now I know everyone is truest excited about this so I will make it quick. I am going to announce who is going to marry who." Dumbledore spoke excitedly. He started reading off names and I zoned out until I heard Hermione's name.

"Hermione Granger and-" he looked up shocked, "Draco Malfoy." Everyone went silent. Hermione blushed and stood to walk to the podium. Draco has a slight pink tone to his cheeks as he was walking up to the podium as well, "Do you two wish to continue with this marriage or turn in your wands and leave the World of Magic forever?" I gave Draco a threatening stare.

"I wish to go on." Hermione spoke up suddenly, surprising everyone. She looked to Draco who gave her a puzzled look but smiled a genuine smile.

"I wish to go on as well." He spoke confidently. Since every one of the new couples have to kiss and sit with each other Draco softly grabbed Hermione by the waist and gently kissed her, this being the only time anyone has seen him soft. They came over to the Gryffindor table, much to Draco's protests, and took a seat next to me.

"Professor Sirius Black and Melody Thorn." I froze. Did Dumbledore just- oh Merlin. He did. I shakily stood up and saw Sirius making his way from the Teachers table. I nervously fiddled with my fingers as we both stood side by side facing Dumbledore awaiting his question, "Do you two wish to continue with this marriage or turn in your wands and leave the World of Magic forever?" He asked eyeing me down, asking with his eyes if I'm okay with this, "And Happy 18th Birthday Ms. Thorn." I smiled and nodded in appreciation.

"I wish to go on." Sirius spoke loud and clear, making a few of the girls gasp and whine. I rolled me eyes and looked at Sirius, to find he was already staring at me himself.

"I wish to go on as well." I stated and scooted a little closer to Sirius, who wrapped an arm around my waist and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips, a bit longer than necessary. I could hear The Weasley clan, Harry, and Hermione all clap and shout. I pulled away and Sirius dragged me back to my seat at the Gryffindor table. Before I could sit down on a stool he pulled me into his lap.

"Oh Ketrif." I called out and the house elf popped up right in front of me on the table. She smiled widely at me and jumped into my arms.

"Oh Ms. Thorn- wait no Mrs. Black Ketrif is so happy you Mrs. Black. Ketrif still keeps Ketrifs promise. If Mr. Black makes Mrs. Black cry again Ketrif with hurt Mr. Black." She warned him with a small finger waving in his face. We both chuckled and nodded. She smiled and looked back to me, I already knew what she wanted. She pointed to her cheek and closed her eyes when I gave her a small peck on the cheek.

"So, I guess it was meant to be after all Mrs. Black." Sirius whispered in my ear. I smiled and blushed a deep red, nodding my head and squeezed his hands that were around my waist.

"Harry Potter and Ginevra Weasley." Harry looked like a fire truck and Ginny couldn't stop smiling. Ginny looked absolutely amazing, she was wearing an off the shoulder, mid thigh red dress, nude heels, and had natural makeup.

Dumbledore has said his speech but when Harry and Ginny had to kiss Harry looked about ready to pass out. He held a hand over his scar and Sirius immediately tensed up under me. I looked back at my devilish fiancé and went to go stand up but was pulled back down. Sirius places his face in the crook of my neck and breathed heavily, as if he were smelling my perfume.

"Harry's scar is hurting. That only means one thing." I heard him whisper in my ear, my eyes widened and I felt myself go pale. Harry's scar is burning, Harry's scar only burns when... he's back. I clenched Sirius' hand in mine and felt an anxiety attack coming up.

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