Chapter 3

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"Melody, I'm sorry but will you please look at me. I can't help but feel like this is all my fault." He sat down beside me at the table.

"Professor Black, nothing is wrong I rushed out because I forgot something in my dorm." I lied and looked up, meeting his eye. I immediately looked back down and clutched my robes as tight as I could. He doesn't see me as anything but one of his students. Just a young girl. I'll be legal tomorrow... maybe he won't see me as little then. Tomorrow is Saturday so I don't have to wear my robes, but I will wear something nice and cute. Maybe he will see me as something more, more than just a student. I sound crazy, it's never going to happen, I mean I just took a marriage test, to see who I am to marry by the end of the month! There's a 1% chance that it'll be him, hell Ron has a higher percentage.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a thumb wiping away stray tears I didn't even notice falling.

"How dare Mr. Black! You make Ms. Thorn cry! Oh Ketrif is gonna give Mr. Black a piece of Ketrifs mind." Ketrif popped out of no where and started smacking Sirius on the leg with her wooden spoon. She started cutely growling and fussing about how he has no manners and should never make a beautiful young lady cry.

"Ketrif honey it's okay. Thank you for worrying my little house elf." I smiled and picked her up. She had to have been a baby or a toddler house elf because she was about 2 feet tall and as big as my thigh. I sat her on my lap and she turned around and hugged me.

"If Mr. Black makes Ms. Thorn cry again Ketrif will be very angry. Ketrif will get a bigger spoon and hurt Mr. Black again. Ketrif does not like to see Ms. Thorn cry." Ketrif said starting to cry herself. I patted her back and smiled.

"You have full permission Ms. Ketrif to hurt me. You can get the biggest, hardest spoon you can find and I will willingly let you hurt me if I even make Ms. Thorn cry again. I also do not like to see her cry." Sirius stared while shaking Ketrifs small hand. I smiled a small smile at Sirius and placed Ketrif back down on the kitchen floor. Once again she pointed to her cheek and gave me a sly smile, sneaky little elf. I giggles and placed two small kisses on her cheeks. She smiled brightly and ran off into the kitchen somewhere.

"Can we talk?" He pleaded, I nodded my head and he took that as his que to start talking, "Melody I am so sorry about your parents. Every night that you cried into my shirt I still remember like it was yesterday. I hate to see you cry or upset. When Harry told me that you had a panic attack and were in the Hospital Wing I was so worried that something bad was gonna happen to you. I know I'm the reason for your panic attack and I want to apologize, and this is coming from my heart Oly I never want to hurt you and I never intend to. I know that you're still thinking about the night we kissed, to be honest I am too, I can't get you out of my head. You and Harry are the main reason I agreed to this job, I wanted to see you more than just during the summer and breaks. I want to see my godson more. I know that you don't have a place to go over the breaks now, so I am personally inviting you to live with me and Harry at the Grimmauld place." He finished off by giving me a pleading look.

"I can't say no to an offer like that. Thank you Professor Black." I smiled at him and gave him one of my cookies, "Ketrif would you please bring Mr. Black a hot chocolate?" I called out and she popped up 2 minutes later with a hot chocolate, glaring at him in the process. She stuck her tongue out and I pecked her on the cheek. She smiled and went back to the kitchen to continue helping with lunch and dinner preparations. I laughed and tried to start conversation up with Sirius.

"You know you can call me Sirius. When we aren't in classes you can always call me Sirius, Mr. Black sounds too formal when classes aren't in session." He chuckled and gave me a small smile. I nodded and took a sip of my Hot Cocoa. I smiled at the thought of me living with Sirius and Harry, but my smile dropped when I thought about his future wife going there as well. I shook my head a bit and snapped myself out of the trance I was in.

"I should be returning to the Common room, and you should be returning to...wherever you're room is." I sighed as I looked at the clock. It's almost curfew and I do not want to get caught out after curfew. He nodded and Ketrif came to take our dishes, I smiled brightly at her and kissed her cheek again, "Thank you Ketrif, I'll be sure to visit again soon." She nodded and ran off.

"I'll walk you back to the painting." Sirius said quietly. I nodded and walked out of the kitchen door and made my way to my Common Room,  Sirius right beside me the whole way. Neither of us spoke the entire way and it surprisingly wasn't a tense or uncomfortable silence. Once we got to the Fat Lady's painting Sirius slightly grabbed my wrist and brought me in for a hug, it took me a second to hug him back but eventually I did and everything felt right, "Happy early birthday Melody." He gave me a small, short kiss on my forehead, "Goodnight, sleep well Ms. Thorn." He walked off and down the staircase.

What just happened? I shook it off and said the password so the Fat Lady would let me in and immediately went up to my room to go pick out my outfit then go to bed. Once I finally found what outfit I wanted to wear I went to bed and fell asleep quickly.

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