Chapter 7.

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Cordelia turned to her and slid her hand on Misty's arm. She glided up to her face to touch and remember her. "Because, Misty, my dearest Misty...I knew you would never leave me without saying goodbye. I knew you were somewhere, and no matter what I did or tried, I couldn't find you." She whimpered. "I had to find you. I had to tell you that I was so sorry. I never should have taken advantage of you that day. I was scared and lonely, and no one ever speaks to me the way you do." Her voice was as fragile as glass, cracking and breaking.

Her fingers slid and moved over Misty's face, desperate to feel what her face was doing as she told her these things.

Misty felt tears in her eyes and bit her lip. "Oh Cordelia...ya shouldn' have done that. I'm not worth it. And now ya-" Her voice cut and she placed her hand on Cordelia's cheek, stroking it. "Ya did this and I'm just sorry. I should have talked to ya, I was so stupid on leavin' ya. I'm so deeply sorry." She sobbed.

"And no...I was the one who took advantage of ya." She shook her head. "I should have stopped, but my head was lost and my heart was the one speakin'. I wanted to do it so bad and I freaked ya out for my stupid feelins' and actions and I shouldn' have let that happened and I am deeply sorry." She sighed. "I failed ya. I left ya. I didn' mean to. I wanted to stay with ya, hold ya, be there for ya-" She smiled sadly. "Kiss ya..." She whispered to herself.

There were tears running down her cheeks and whimpered out. " didn't freak me out. I was...I was freaked out because I never asked you if I could kiss you. I ...I never knew you had...feelings for me." She bit her lip and smiled a little. "It explains a lot though." She swallowed. "And...did I just hear you whisper that you want to kiss me?"

Misty studied Cordelia's face and was speechless. So she didn't freak her out. Cordelia thought she freaked HER out. Oh god it all made sense now. "Are ya serious? I wanted that more than anythin' in the world. Even more than goin' to a Stevie concert." She chuckled. "I was just afraid of tellin' ya cause...I barely knew ya, but I knew deep inside that I had never felt that before. It's like Stevie singin' her songs of love. It felt that way. And I know...I made a fool out of myself." She blushed.

She bit her lip. "Ya weren' supposed to hear that."

She felt her heart throb heavily at her words. She chuckled deeply and whispered back to her, "You shouldn't whisper in front of the blind. We hear things extremely well." She sighed and leaned back. "But I don't know how you would want to kiss me now. I know I look atrocious."

Misty blushed and chuckled. "Checked that." She stared at Cordelia and then at her lips, licking her own unconsciously. She moved closer to Cordelia, getting as close as she could, running her hand through Cordelia's hair. "I still think ya beautiful. Blind or not blind. With scars or no scars. I'd kiss ya anytime ya let me." She whispered softly.

She could feel the warmth of her breath, causing her own breath to tremble. She whimpered softly as she remembered how soft Misty's lips were. "...then please...don't make me wait anymore." Her voice was warm, deep, but didn't raise more than a whisper.

Misty smiled and closed the gap between them. She kissed her softly but deeply with the mission of letting Cordelia know that her feelings were real and wanted the kiss to be full of love. Oh how she missed her lips. Her lips were so soft and perfect, it made her melt.

Oh, how badly she wanted to have the ability to close her eyes again. The rush of emotions she felt at her soft lips made her heart leap and skip a beat. She slid her hand into her curls, kissing her with a slow, dizzying passion.

Misty smiled against her lips, pulling her impossibly closer to her, kissing her deeply and with passion and yet, gentle. She wanted to feel Cordelia, all of her. She missed her so much, she missed the feeling of having her close to her, of seeing her, of hearing her voice. Geez, she was falling hard.

Misty pulled away and bit her lip, feeling the need to kiss her again and again and again. She never wanted to stop. "I missed ya." She whispered, resting her head against Cordelia's.

The kiss was unlike any that she shared with Hank. She could feel now that Hank, though passionate, was never caring or even loving for that matter. Misty kissing her sent a fire to every nerve in her body, and she found herself wanting to whisk into the house and continue, despite having no clue how to!

When they parted, Cordelia's head bobbed around a little as if she was trying to find Misty's lips again, wondering if she had somehow missed them. She realized that Misty had pulled away when she whispered. Cordelia smiled and whispered back, "I've missed you so much, dear Misty."

She exhaled, licking her lips and blew out the steam from their sensual kiss. "But I do believe you said you had an ass you needed to kick. Let's head inside."

Misty chuckled. "Yeah I do. But after that? I do wanna give ya more kisses if ya let me." She bit her lip and kissed Cordelia's nose. "Ya made a big mistake cause now I won't ever wanna stop kissing ya." She blushed as the words left her mouth.

And she was not joking. It wasn't her first kiss, but it was the realest she had. It was the most gentle and passionate she had and she loved every bit of it. She wanted more kisses like this one.

She scrunched her nose when she felt the warmth of her lips, which uncharacteristically caused her to burst into a small fit of giggles. Her cheeks blushed hot red and she slid her nose to Misty's ear, then whispered. "When everyone is asleep tonight, I want you to come to my room, and I'll let you kiss me as much as you want."

She kissed her cheek and then leaned back to begin to search for the door handle with her hand.

Misty blushed and she could feel her face burning. This woman was gonna be the death of her. She smiled. "Alright then."

Misty grabbed Cordelia's hand. "Let me open it." She got out of the car and walked around to open Cordelia's door. She grabbed Cordelia's hand to help her get out of the car. "M'lady." She smiled.

Cordelia shook her head with a huge grin and took her hand tenderly. "So charming." And with that, they began to move inside.

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