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     With wide eyes Suga had watched the big cat lower its head down picking him up by the scruff in a gentle but firm hold, he barely had time to let out a surprised mew before he was being carried somewhere. He decided that his best course of action was to stay silent. Not fully, he wouldn't talk to them, wouldn't give them any answers about anything they asked. He was brought out of his planning when he heard them speak up.

     "Is this really a good idea, it's obvious that he's scared, in fact he could've been waiting for his parents. We literally just stole a kit- we can't take care of it, we can barely take care of ourselves!" Namjoon groaned as he walked along side Jin, staring at the small thing - Suga - in his mouth.

     Jin rolled his eyes shaking his head a small bit - though Suga has got tossed quite violently in his mind - and gave Namjoon the 'shut up before I make you' look. It was effective and it had managed to keep Namjoon quiet until they reached a cave.

     It was higher on the cliffs, and unnoticeable because of the angle it was facing, keeping them safe from human eyes, mostly

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     It was higher on the cliffs, and unnoticeable because of the angle it was facing, keeping them safe from human eyes, mostly. Only a few have been up here in the cave, usually seeing Namjoon they would run off, so the group decided it was going to be their home. Surprisingly it was not bare ground, there were worn out blankets strewn aside at random places, looking slightly like a bed, and random things they had stolen from humans at their campsites, or stuff they dropped.

     Suga looked around warily, he's seen stuff like this on tv, were they going to put him in a small cage and store him away for later when they get hungry? He shivered in fear, surprisingly he was put down on the softest looking blanket, closest to the entrance.

     He heard a growl and looked up, at the cat who had carried him, it was giving him a strange look, one his owner gives him sometimes when she tells him to do something. Tilting his head he waitied to see what would happen. "Stay there and don't move kit, we are going to have a small talk" the scary cat told him before walking off to the middle of the large cave, into the circle of the other awaiting animals, hushed voices filled the air.

Suga looked around, spotting a small pond in the corner of a cave, he was thirsty, remembering the last time he drank water was this morning, when he was still with his owner. He hoped she wasn't too worried about him, he would hopefully find her again soon. Not remembering that the pond was so close, and there were rocks and pebbles all around his foot tripped over a sharp rock, making him tumble into the pond. Letting out a cry of distress he went under the water. How didn't know how to get up from the water, he opened his eyes, which were stinging, and saw the pond had a good foot from him and the top.

Struggling he kicked at the ground getting up somewhat. But Suga didn't have big lungs, they were very small and he was losing his breath. He closed his eyes and just before he opened his mouth to let out a cry, he was lifted from the water, he wasn't sure who it was who did it, but it didn't stop him from letting out his cries of distress, dangling from the jaws of whoever it was. He felt them move and stopped crying to shiver, the air was cold and making him cold. He let out a pitiful mew when he was set down on the blanket he was on before. Looking up with big eyes he saw the bear in front of him. He couldn't read its emotions, maybe it had to do with the fact that he couldn't see much, his eyes were blurry.

"Kit, what did I say, I told you to stay right here, and not even seconds later I find you in the bottom of the pond" the big cat said. He looked down, feeling sad, this cat reminded him of his owner a lot, always disciplining him. He huffed, looking away not answering. The others didn't bother replying either, though he heard a quiet rumble, something akin to a laugh, coming from the golden cat. He glared, he didn't like that cat first it growled at him and now it's laughing? Rude.

     The black cat walked up and didn't say anything but it started to lick him. "Ew!" He cried. Everyone stopped, "so it speaks!" Was the first thing to come out of the orange cat's mouth. "What's your name kit?" The black cat asked. "Suga" he answered, the cat's stared back for a minute before the wolf shook his head. "Not anymore, that's a pet's name, your not a pet anymore, you'll have a new name when your not with humans" the wolf spoke, the others agreeing. Suga tilted his head not fully understanding, the black cat rolled his eyes before continuing to lick Suga, much to the other's displeasure, saying he was getting rid of the extra water so he wouldn't get sick. Suga shivered, it was cold.

"How about...Yoongi?" The lion asked after a bit. They had been talking about names for awhile and the answer they got was no all the time. This time they looked at Suga and he seemed to be thinking about it. It was after a few minutes he gave a small nod and the rest sighed out of relief, who knew names could be so hard. They watched in amusement when Yoongi made his way to Jeongguk before laying down in between his two paws, curling up, it was nap time, and the soft furred cat and bear were the farthest away from him.

He rested his head on the paws of the lion, not noticing that Jeongguk had tensed up, not moving. The others gave a laugh, "good luck with that" the orange cat said before going to his own area, Yoongi had the right idea, it was nap time. The others followed the idea going to their own areas, they would continue talking later.


Word Count: 1055 Words

Hello! Author-nim here!
Sorry for the crappy chapter this was done in an hour and a half.
All grammar and spelling mistakes are mine.
I don't really know what to say other than maybe it won't be full on chapters anymore, I'm liking the idea of little scenarios playing. Seeing as I made this book on a small thought with no actual plot in mind.
If any of you have any ideas please give them to me, I'll most likely write about them.

Instagram: xngiebee

Put them here!

See you lovelies later, XOXO.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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