Good Girls

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I never drink, smoke, party, steel, or ditch. I am a good a girl. I have dated a few guys and we have kissed but I'm still a virgin. My parents say I'm the perfect child. But being good is so boring.

"Pluto, hello are you there" Valerie says bring me back to our conversation

"Yeah what were we talking about" I ask smiling. She rolls her eyes and continues talking about the report for Mr. Farworth that I have finished already. We turn the corner and the air changes its not the same school, there's something new. I look and see him there by my locker, Michael Clifford the town's bad boy, everything you can imagine he's done. Street fights, drag racing, he smokes, sleeps around, steels, some even say he has killed someone. He is the boy everyone avoids but here he is in school right where I need to go and somehow I'm intrigued. This will be fun. I start to walk to my locker but Valerie pulls me back

"Pluto do you really want to ruin your rep" she says knowing that if I say a single word to him I will no longer be miss good girl. I'm okay with that.

"I have to get my homework" I say convincing enough. She says sorry with her eyes and I walk further towards my locker till I reach him. His hair is a dark purple, his jeans as tight as he allows, unlike my brother Luke who wears them as tight as physically possible, a leather jacket over his black plain t-shirt. Sunglasses cover his eyes and he smirks starring at me

"Can I help you?" He asks

"You can move, that's my locker" I say pointing behind him. I feel everyone's eyes on us "Please" I add wishing I had sunglasses so I could roll my eyes. He leans in to my ear

"Meet me at the abandoned theater tonight at 8 miss bored. Now slap me." He says I push him back and slap him

"You're disgusting" I say. He laughs walking away. Valerie running up

"Oh my god are you okay what did he say?" She questions worried

"No good girl should have those words come out of her mouth" I say disgusted look covering my face. I go to my locker pulling out my books and shutting it

"Lets get you home" she says walking me out to my car, yeah how about I get home and you walk. I think annoyed, I get in my car her in the passenger and drive her home. After, I head to my house pulling in my drive way seeing no cars but my brothers. Thank god. I run inside closing the door quickly, but before I can go to my room Luke is standing infront of me.

"So I heard Michael Clifford talked to you" he says arms crossed

"Yeah" I say

"What did he say" Luke the overprotective here to ruin the day

"Just something disgusting and horrible. Something you would expect from the town trouble maker" I say with an obvious tone. Even though I can fool, not only my parents but everyone in town, I can never fool Luke.

"Pluto, he isn't who you think he is. He's not that bad." He says surprising me "That's why I'm covering for you tonight" he smirks walking off. I smile running off to my room. I hurry to get my homework done even double checking it.

"Plu you have an hour to get ready and leave before mum and dad get home" Luke yells to me. I run to my closet pulling out a mini skirt and crop top I hide towards the back of my closet. I bought it with my friend Mimi, the one I cant ever see except with parents around. I change quickly adding some lip gloss and grabbing my black clutch purse.

"Luke" I say and he walks in "I'm out what are you telling mum and dad" I open my window  half way stepping out

"Nothing, I'm going to put a not on your door that ask to not be disturbed for you have a big test in first period tomorrow and wish to not be tired for it. Then if mom and dad come in they will see a sleeping body, however if they walk in my room they wont see anyone." He smiles happy with his brilliant plan. I laugh, happy too

"Thanks bro" I step out of the window the rest of the way on to the roof "Love you" I walk down towards the tree in our yard and climb down sliding my heels on when I get to the bottom

"Plu" Luke stops me "Take my car" he says dropping the keys down to me

"Thank you" I say and walk of towards his car.


Cool so having fun hoping to change the cover if your waiting for a Muke update I have a filler I'm posting tomorrow. If you like this story awesome next chapter will most likely be up soon. kk. bye.

Mr. Bad boy (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now